Today is Tuesday, but it feels like a Monday to me. All the stiffness in my ankles from being on my feet for nearly 10 hours will do that lol. Getting old sucks! Having arthritis sucks more lol. The day went pretty well though. I took my new ipod with me and listened to music the entire time. So all in all, it wasn't such a bad day. I had a pretty easy job. No bending over and not so much walking. I also showed off my new toy to everyone I saw lol. Now that winter is here, I get home right about sundown. I see by looking out my patio door that the sunset has moved quite a bit further south than it had been. It used to show just about the tree line straight back from the door, now, it's way over to the left of me. I still had just enough time to get a photo of it before it went below the horizon and a line of houses. Till next time BYE!!

hi mike, couldn't comment before, sorry, don't know why it wouldn't let me! anyway i LOVE that photo. it is so soothing and lovely. thanks.....bee
That´s a great picture - so... romantic =)
Thanks so much for sharing!
Beautiful sunset. Thanks for sharing.
great almost looks like a painting. Or maybe, it could be a very beautiful picture to try to paint!
It's a beautiful view :)
Me again =)
Thank you so much for stopping by my little coffee corner earlier today and for the congrats and warm words =)
Awesome pic!
Hope ya get to feelin' better.
beautiful photo!
thanks for stopping by wonderland!
Nice pic.
WOW - I really liked this picture. The colors and mixture of the clouds and all - almost looks like a modern art type painting in a way but so really ethereal to look at! You keep messing around more with that camera and who knows, maybe by the time you retire, you'll have an alternate form of employment that really brings a lot of self-satisfaction with it too! Great job, Mike!
We like that new camera Mike, keep it up
I'm glad you got the Ipod working. Yeah, I've started working out, and I've never felt so old.
its gorgeous !! I don't even get home in time to see the sunset anymore, but I can't really see it from my house anyway...too many buildings around me.
that is beautiful. Its like a painting.
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