Yep, I have a tip of the day for the ladies out there. Always wear a bra. That's right, you heard me. It may save you from serious injury. Just ask the lady in St. Petersburg Fla. Apparently 46 yr old Debbie Bingham was outside watching some fireworks while ringing in the New Year when she felt a sharp pain on her shoulder. What had happened was that someone fired a gun into the air somewhere and the falling bullet hit Debbie on the shoulder. Her bra strap kept the bullet from entering her skin. She still needed stitches, but otherwise was OK.
So there you have it ladies. You never know when your bra might save you from serious injury.
Till next time BYE!!
This would fall under my Bra news. Thanks for the tip Mike.
aww Big Mike, you're killin' me maaaaaan.
if they don't want to.......aww, forget it. Counselor might read this.
Over the shoulder bolster holders? Or should that be Bullet Holsters?
Usually, I wear my bra to protect myself from black eyes...but I will definitely add this to my list'o'reasons!
LOL I'll keep that in mind! I actually envy those girls who can go without a bra and no one seems to notice. They notice if I do ... it's kinda obvious when things are down to your knees. :x
hahaha!! thats funny. Every New Year these bullet stories come out. I should count how many stories of somebody getting hurt by a falling bullet come out each year.
some people are a little idiotic.
Perhaps I should start wearing a bra instead of just tucking the girls in my waistband....
you've got to be joking! I can see Victoria Secret's new ad line:
"Sexy for him. Bullet proof for you."
LOL! I can think of other reasons why women should wear bras...
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