I talked to a friend of mine at work just before going back and he said they were working a little over 8 hours at the time. When I did go back, we were working 10 hours pretty much all the time. The good news is that I have heard that we are going to be working only 8 hours due to smaller orders for cars. This should help me get back to where I was without getting too tired out. So, in short, with the shorter hours, I might be able to get back to blogging more and visiting more of the links I like to visit. I just wanted to let those who visit my blog know what has been going on. Till next time BYE!!

I know what you mean about work and blogging - it's very hard to juggle both! I am putting in a 64-hour week this week (yes, I am in fact crazy!) and sometimes it's really hard to come home and still post something as well as get to all the blogs that I want to read.
Who knew that this could be such a time-consuming thing? But I do enjoy it! I just wish the IT guy at work would let me read blogs there but he went and made some policy against it. Sigh ...
I know you have a very loyal fan base and they'll be glad to see you around here more!
don't worry mike, we still love you. do what you feel like doing, ok?
smiles, bee
Whew...glad to hear it. I know it's been tough withoutcha! :)
It's really hard trying to juggle blogging and real life. You're doing great, though.
Thanks for the update. Have a good weekend.
Hey...you got to sleep too. (lol)
For me if the blogging starts to become another chore I'll quit so I do it when I feel like it and have the time. Life is about balance...at least for me. With all that is on peoples plates these days I'm surprised that any of us have time to blog. I think you are doing a good job. Give yourself a break...your back too.
WOW! 10 hour days. No wonder you are tired.
goodness... when overworked, for goodness sake rest!! I hope you get the shorter hours and feel less "whooped"!
Shorter hours -at least a cut from 10 to 8 hours - would be nice for you. Just so you don't work for Ford and end up with a permanent layoff. Scary there what's happening in the automobile industry.
I hate it when my real job interferes with my blogging!
You'll find a medium between the two. It took me awhile to reach that medium (and it changes sometimes) between blogging and working. You got to have a life, so you'll have something to blog about. :)
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