This next week won't be bad. I get the following Monday off as a Holiday. It's Martin Luther King's holiday. No special plans for this long weekend as of yet. Possibly visiting the grandkids though.
On another note about work. I bought a pedometer to see how much walking I do at work. I had bought Barb one so she can see how much she walks during the day and she thought it'd be a good idea for me to see how much walking I do. I agree.
Not much else on the horizon. I should probably start working on my model trains again. They won't get done by themselves lol.
Till next time BYE!!

I am getting really depressed this morning, third blog in a row talking about work, it must be the Monday morning blues. I want to unionize retired people, lets see if I can come up with a slogan.
Oh I forgot, someone already did that, AARP.
Hi Mike, just popped in to say hello and ask how your back is? Also, thought I would mention for no other reason than I know you like trains but my grandad was a station master in the outback of Queensland, Australia in the 1920/30/40's and my dad writes for a steam train enthusiasts magazine in Oz called The Sunshine Express. He used to take us on stream train excusions when I was a kid and the best one we went on was when we hit a cow and got derailed in the middle of the bush. We had to wait 12 hours to get rescued so some of the adults made a fire and we sang campfire songs and waited. It was great until I hit 16 and thought I was too old to go on excusions with my dad. So I guess trains are sort of in the blood? Christine
i'd forgotten about the MLK holiday! woohoo - three-day weekend coming up! maybe i'll make it through this busy work week after all! :o)
I've always thought having a pedometer would be neat - try to figure out maybe small ways to increase the walking and be effective to my system.
You've been tagged
Enjoy your extra-day off =)
Happy Martin Luther King´s Holiday!
The pedometer sounds interesting to me - I have to get one to have a look at my running-miles I do for my comments. At present I´m a bit slow - this untrained (smoking) couch potatoe I am.
Could be interesting to have a look at my step-up =)
And I can´t wait to have a look at the model trains (again) - please don´t forget to post a few pictures!
You should have a stepping contest! See who gets the most! charlie and i find your site really cool...i would like to ask if you could be my respondent in of my researches. It would just be about your own understanding about the e-commerce law, its benefit to you, and why is such law significant. Personal reactions will do. Please email me:
thanks a lot...
i need one of those! I go up and down stairs all day long !! would be interesting to find out just how much I do ..then again.. maybe I don't wanna know!
mmmm's only a mirage, and we'll be forced to work forever.
Mike: Thank you for stopping by earlier! It made me smile, and so does your wife!
Good luck with the IPod/ITunes thing. I was going to buy an Ipod last year as a Christmas present to myself, but my friend talked me out of it and talked me into buying an IRiver so I did. It's bulky and a bit heavy which is a bit of a pain but I haven't had any problems with software (as it uses Media Player). My two sisters have Ipods and they just seem more trouble than they are worth.
(I know that you got it as a present though, but if you are ever in the market for a new MP3 player, you might want to research the Iriver).
I gave my children ipods for Christmas and I sure don't know how to use them - they do tho (I think).. good luck with your techno thing.. have a great week:)
I wouldn't dare wear a pedometer! My hysband would always be checking to see if I'd moved at all during the day from my computer. I actually did walk 4 blocks today though - well perhaps only 3 1/4 - but at least I breathed some real air! Can't wait to hear how far you walk each day :)
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