For this weeks Thursday Thirteen I'm going to list 13 random thoughts
1 When is it going to snow here
2 Why can't the grocery store keep things I want in stock
3 If the auto industry is in a slump, why am I working so much overtime
4 Will the construction on the roads ever end
5 When will spring come
6 When will my USB turntable get here
7 How many of my train cars will I get finished this year
8 What will I have for dinner tomorrow
9 Where will we go for vacation this year
10 How many songs will I be able to get on my ipod
11 How much will I get back on my taxes this year
12 Why do so many bad singers try out for American Idol
13 How many jobs will I do tomorrow

you wonder a lot of stuff, huh mike? sigh.... i try not to think too much, it causes wrinkles! bee
I hope the turntable comes soon.. I know you've been waiting a long time for it! Happy TT :)
Happy TT!
We have snow here. Finally. Barely. Hope you get some soon.
And a turntable??? Yeah! So nice to see that someone else misses the way a slab of vinyl can pop and crack!
Now, those are some interesting and varied thoughts!
They will never finish the road construction - at least not in Houston!
When you get that USB record player in you have to let me know how it works. I think that is such a great idea, I have so much vinyl I would love to download or put on cd.
My 13 are up.
I'm with ya on The American Idol one! I laughed so hard at some of them tonight!!! Mine's up, 13 words my 4 year old mispronounces!
I don't dare share my thoughts, but enjoyed reading yours.
I chuckled at your thoughts because, on occassion, I think some of the same things. As for American Idol, they purposely move the horrible singers up the line to be in front of the judges just for ratings. Unfortunately, America isn't allowed to see the talent it possesses; just the freaks.
Happy Thursday to you!
Well, your mind does get around, doesn't it? lol
I don't usually watch American Idol, but tuned in tonight... and rediscovered why I don't usually watch it. It's just painful!
#4 is a question I would like answered too. Although I fear the answer must be never
Great thoughts...Will read more of this cool blog later...
Hi Mike,
Nice to be here :). It's my first visit.
I have been asking myself, when we are going to see winter TOO !
Check out my blog, based in France.
All the best to you ;)
Yep, I tend to think the same thing in the store. Happy TT:)
So many questions. Happy T13
I think you need a magic 8 ball! So here's the answers
1. soon
2. they have all you need
3. cars break
4. nope
5. March 21st
6. withing 28days
7. some of them
8. food
9. away from home
10 not enough
11 not enough
12 to be annoying
13 too many
Looks more like questions then thoughts to me ... ha ha ha but I agree with your #2!! Hope you have those answered in no time ... come on over and share my TT
Hi Mike,
This s Nithi from India , I know its strange to u . but i need a advice from u . because i am just a 21 yr old guy . so i need advices from u.
Thanks n Advance
A lot of those thoughts have run through my head in the last 24 hours too!
I want it to snow, I ask J all the time about the horrible singers on AI - wondering if they go out on the streets and recruit these people. I wanna know where I'm going on vacation too - I hope it's somewhere cool (which any vacation is cool, so I guess it doesn't matter). Okay, I'm rambling...so, Happy TT and it's almost Friday!
I'd like some snow too here in the south - it always shuts things down for a while, and I need a rest.
and they all think they're the NEXT american idol. are they all serious? i'm mulling over the vacation one too. and the ipod. hope you find the answers. happy tt!
my goodness, dont wish for snow!!!
It's snowing here right now, I'd gladly send it your way for a while if I could.
Taxes back?
I can dream....
I think construction is a universal, never-ending thing. I suppose it's job stability for the road workers though...annoying as it may be.
My 13 are up.
That's a good idea for a 13.
Right now I am wondering about my lunch, what movie I might see Sunday if I go, and when I will use my new camera.
Thanks for sharing,
PS It's nice to see guys on this list :)
Great list! I love how 1 and 5 contradict each other LOL!:O) Happy TT!
what do you do for a living? Just curious because of #3
Ah, great seer of all that I am, I can answer one of your 13 questions right now. By March 23rd, 2007, spring will have arrived!
Hope this bit of information helps.
great list! Many of these same thoughts run through my head too (OK, maybe not the one about snow, or the one about train cars).
Happy TT
I hate when the store runs out of stuff. I went to get lettuce for a BLT sandwich I was CRAVING and they were out of LETTUCE. Who runs out of lettuce. Stinkin' Kroger.
great list! (i might have to steal the idea some time!)
i've been asking myself #5 (but i have been wearing socks to keep my feet warm).
happy TT!
There are two seasons in British Columbia - Winter and Road Construction - probably the same in Michigan :) Great TT!
How much will I get back on my taxes this year
It is more like how much are they going to take away.
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