I talked to a friend at work who does airbrushing and is very good at it. He gave me a suggestion on what brand of paint to buy to use for this project. It's always nice to have someone like that to ask questions of. He also suggested that I practice my airbrushing skills using a coloring book and trying not to go outside of the lines. Reminds me of when I was young and I used crayons lol. I think it's a good idea though. So I might end up picking up a coloring book to practice on before I do the train car.
That's about all that's going on at the moment. We did get a little bit of snow yesterday, but not enough to make the roads bad. I'm wondering if we will get any good amount of snow this year. It's already the end of January and we haven't had any big snows here yet. Oh well. Till next time BYE!!

naw we haven't had much snow either mike... bee
That wasn't snow.. you East Michigander ;)
Hey lots of the trains around here are graffitied, so if i have my camera on me i will take a photo of it for you.
No snow here either, just cold,windy and rainy!
Some of the graffiti is so artistic! It'll be interesting to see the results. I don't understand how you can airbrush onto something so small as your train cars... I guess I've only ever seen the foot long airbrushes hooked to the big compressors. Perhaps Barb would take a photo of you doing the painting - just so I can see :)
A graffiti-painted train - that sounds awesome!
We´ve had some snow a few days ago... about 7 snowflakes or so. Grrrr...
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