I took it home and fiddled around with it. I didn't even have an amp to play it on. A bit of time went by and one day at work, Gary asked me if I wanted to learn a few songs with the band he knew. I have to admit, I was pretty nervous about it. I told him I would give it a try.
So, I went over to the house that the band practiced at(in the basement) and started my journey into the world of music. The guys in the band were pretty nice to me and let me learn a few easy songs. I had my big debut at a party that was thrown for another friends birthday. It was in a hall and I got to play in a short set. I think I did pretty well.
The only thing was that in order for me to play, I had to help set up and tear down after the party was over. The friend who introduced me to the band, was running the sound board that evening and asked if I wanted to sit with him. I took him up on the offer and enjoyed it. The only problem was, the sound board happened to be right next to the bar. You guessed it, the bartender would look over and see our empty pitcher sitting there and asked if we wanted another. By the end of the night, I was well smashed. I ended up staying over at my friends house(no I didn't drive).
That was my first experience playing in a real band. I didn't practice with them much after that till their regular bass player quit a few months after that. I did get better though. I played with that band for about 3 or 4 years. We mostly played rock and roll songs by bands like Grand Funk Railroad, ZZ Top and Foghat.
I am including a picture of one of the bass guitars that I still own. This one is a Gibson RD Standard, I payed 800$ for it in 1979 and I still have the receipt. I've owned 5 of them through the years. I still have 2. Till next time BYE!!

You still play well and we need to get you an amp so you can keep in practice. You know how we women swoon over the guys in a band! (Of course, you make me swoon anyway!)
Hey, that was pretty good for a West, by God, Virginian.
I have no talent for music other than singing Bass in a Gospel Quartet.
I was asked once to read a poem that this lady had composed and was wondering if it would make a good song.
After wading through it, I told her, there was enough for at least 3 songs.
The idea being, a few well placed words is all it takes to make a hit.
Sounds like an interesting experience - and sounds like you play some awesome music.
Nice guitar!
I am not really musically inclined.
I balked at learning music..the violin...and sucked at the flute in high school.
I can sing though.
I was in a choir for a bit.
Nothing rockin though...not as cool as you!
very interesting story - and what a great guitar! I taught myself how to play a few years ago, then promptly gave it up. I should pick it back up.. in my spare time.
I used to play guitar also, not much but a little. I have since found playing guitar to be difficult now as I have a fingernail on my left pointing finger that protrudes past my finger too much. This is due to it having been split in 2 at some point. It just makes playing regular guitar difficult for me.
What I didn't put into my post was that this bass guitar is heavy. I have actually had comments on how heavy it is. It didn't come to mind when I bought it. It's solid Maple, so that should give you an idea.
ok - my son has now read my blog and comments that people left and he liked your comment on the wooden door ... he's a huge fan of The Lord of the Rings and liked your post. He said the door also reminded him of the town door at Bree
(which is what you reference) and the wizard's name is Gandalf the Grey (before he becomes white)... great movie (greater book)..take care
LOL that brings back many memories. I play a black RD artist bass back in my band days. It was stolen in a burglary several years ago. I still have my Peavey Combo amp tho. but I did love that RD bass.
Later Y'all
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