Thursday, November 30, 2006

Surprise of the Day
Now onto the surprise. After taking what amounted to a short nap after posting my TT, I got up and was checking my site meter to see if anyone had been to my blog that was new. I went and saw a new url so I went to see who it was. WOW, I looked down their list of posts and to my surprise, every picture that I had taken for my wife Skittles Thursday Thirteen post was posted on this other persons blog. Now don't get me wrong here, if someone likes a picture and wants to use it I don't have a problem with it. BUT, this person took the whole 13 of them. And what's worse was the comment that someone had left. It was sexual in nature and that's all I will say about it. But talk about misrepresentation.
I'm not really angry about this, just a bit shocked. I just don't know what else to say about it.
Till next time BYE!!
An addition ...... This post has been deleted from the offenders blog site. All that wrote of their displeasure was appreciated. Thanks :)
Last of the Kits
Thursday Thirteen

1 Ohio
2 Pennsylvania
3 New York
4 Vermont
5 New Hampshire
6 Virginia
7 West Virginia
8 Kentucky
9 Tennessee
10 North Carolina
11 South Carolina
12 Georgia
13 Florida
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
6 Weird Things About Me Meme
Here goes...
1 I didn't start smoking till I was 46 yrs old
2 I didn't get my real drivers license till I was 19
3 I use hairspray more than my wife does (for the model trains lol)
4 I'm a packrat (just ask Skittles)
5 I've eaten bologna and strawberry jelly sandwiches
6 I've taken 20 years to finish a model
The rules of this are: I'm supposed to tag 6 people and they will put 6
weird things about themselves on their blog.
altjiranga mitjina
wooden porch
yada yada yada
crazy working mom
Till next time BYE!!
5 Favorite Christmas Songs Meme
Here goes...
1 Carol of the Bells
2 Have a Holly Jolly Christmas Burl Ives
3 Silent Night
4 Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree Peggy Lee I think?
5 Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
You may have noticed that I haven't put any artist by a few of these,
that's because I like them sung by various singers or choir's even.
I'm supposed to tag 5 people for this, but seeing as I have been tagged twice today, I won't. Besides, I'm not good at figuring out who to tag lol. Till next time BYE!!
What a Day
After seeing the doctor it was off to the bank and then a little bit of Christmas shopping. I got that done and came home. As I didn't sleep well last night, I lasted about an hour or 2 then hit the hay and slept about till 3pm or so.
OK, on to why I didn't sleep so well last night. I know you folks must be getting tired of hearing about my trains, but it was just that that kept me from sleeping like I normally do. Here's why. If you remember, I ordered a train in early November. They sent me a nifty little e-mail to let me know it was shipped. Well, when I got my package it was the wrong one. I got an e-mail from the guy who ordered from there saying he got mine and that I got his. Well, I, being the nice guy that I am, went to the post office the next day and mailed his package to him. BUT, as of today, I still haven't gotten mine. And what got me somewhat angry was that when I shipped his package, I had the post office put one of those delivery confirmation tags on it. So, I went online and typed in the number of it and what do you think I got? Yep, it was delivered to him on the 20th of November.
So I sent him an e-mail asking what was going on and why haven't I got my package. I also sent one to the place that I ordered my train from. The answer I got from them was that if this wasn't resolved soon, they would send me another train. The part that's frustrating me is the time factor. I ordered this thing in early November and it's already the end of the month.
I went to bed pretty much at my usual time, but as usual, my mind wouldn't stop thinking about this.I got maybe an hours sleep. Hence the nap today and the late start.
It just bugs me as I feel like I've been screwed over on this deal. I think the next time I will ship the order back to the place that I ordered it from and let them deal with it. No more being nice and shipping things to someone else I don't know. It makes for me the idea of trusting others a bit harrowing now.
So now I am going about my day as usual(so to speak) and will get back to sleeping normally tonight hopefully. Just wanted to let you folks know what's going on in my little world. Till next time BYE!!
P.S. I got tagged by Maggie for a 6 weird things about me meme. I'll get to that a bit later.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006

It Makes Me Wonder
Guess which one came today? The lens! The last thing I ordered. How can that be? Well, I admit, the first train I ordered went to the wrong person, so that explains a bit. But, with the deal I got on the new lens, I didn't have to pay shipping. You'd think since it was free that it would be delivered by Alaskan sled dogs or something.
Is our mail system that slow? I guess it's no wonder the USPS gripes about how people don't use them as much as they used to and that they are losing revenue.
OK, enough with my rambling on. Time for me to get on with my day here. I have some shopping to do for the things I didn't get yesterday while shopping. Till next time BYE!!
A Quick Thank You
Monday, November 27, 2006
I Guess I Just Don't Get It
Previous Christmas's
We ended up really getting into the little houses and after a few years of collecting them had 27 of them. At first, we just put them on top of one of my speakers that were in the living room. Mind you I had BIG speakers in those days. They were big enough to sit a 19" TV on them, just to give you an idea how big.
But, we did start with a small set of houses to begin with, a set of 3. Then we added to that and the next year, I found myself buying a hollow core door and drilling holes in it to put the houses on. Naturally, I added a small loop of track and purchased an old time steam engine with a few cars to run around. Pretty Christmassy huh?
I'd run the cords for the lights through the holes I drilled in the door so that they didn't show when viewing the little village that we had.
After about 3 years of collecting little houses in various sets, we ended up with the 27 that I mentioned earlier. By this time, we moved the "village" to our dining room. Also by this time, the village was on 2 hollow core doors, also with holes drilled in them and lay ed out side by side, giving it a roughly 6X6 ft size.
We numbered the houses and drew a diagram of where they would sit so we could set them up the same way each year. This " village" ended up having many nice features in it, including working street lamps, roads, a pond, and countless details.
I expanded the train track to go all the way around the edge of the village which made it look quite nice. We even added a scenic backdrop to make it look as though it were in the mountains. It was quite the job to put it all together and it sat on 2 wooden sawhorses. The edges of the doors had some red plastic from a table cloth attached to them to hide the sawhorses.
The part that I liked though, was after Christmas. I would get out my other trains and run them around the track. Not quite a Christmas scene, but I did have fun with it. My ex used to say that I would run my "monster" trains after Christmas was over lol. It was a bit out of place to run modern diesels and big boxcars in a late 1800, early 1900 period setting, but I did get to have fun.
I no longer have any of the village pieces. And I don't yet have a layout to run my trains on. But someday I will. Till then I will have fond memories of running my "monster" trains at Christmas. Till next time BYE!!
Naughty or Nice
Are you Naughty or nice Your Result: You're Nice! all sugar, no spice! You're all about sweetness, sunshine, and smiles. We've never met anyone nicer than you. Actually, we wouldn't be surprised to come across you sitting in a peaceful green meadow, surrounded by adorable baby animals eating out of your hand whilst your halo shines in the sun. Ah, we're just taking the mickey. But you are awfully good. Certainly, you may have dipped your toe in the naughty pool once or twice, but you generally stay in the shallow end, leaving the deep waters to the leather-and- nude-magazine crowd. It's all well and good to follow the straight and narrow, but it's okay to walk on the wild side once in a while, too. Have a drink. Organise a practical joke. Go to a strip club. Trust us - as long as no one gets hurt, it's fun to be bad! | |
your Naughty! wild thing! | |
Are you Naughty or nice |
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Digital Camera's, Ya Gotta Love Em!
I've taken this camera on our vacations and other occasions where we wanted pictures. I can't imagine anything being simpler or easier to use. The only thing that might scare some away would be it's size. It's a bit bigger than a regular 35mm camera. The other thing that might scare folks away would be the "changing lenses" routine. Many want a simple point and shoot style camera and that's fine if that's what you want. As you can tell, it wasn't what I wanted. I wanted the flexibility that I had with my 35mm and multiple lens setup.
My digital camera can be used in the same manner, but you do have to set how much of the subject you want with the lens. Other than that, it's pretty much a point and shoot. The neatest thing though, is that I can take pictures and just pop out the memory card, put it in my pc, then bring up the pictures I just took. There's even a program that lets you put the pictures into photo albums also. How neat huh? No stopping to drop the film off and no waiting to scan the pictures into your pc, they're already there. Another neat feature of my camera is that you can set the size of the pictures you want to take. This makes taking a lot of pictures easy.
At the setting I have my camera on, I can take 286 full sized pictures with my 1 gigabyte memory card. If I set it to the smallest setting, I can get nearly 1000 pictures. This is how I have taken all the photos of my trains you have seen. I do however scale them down to size when I upload them to make it quicker to get them uploaded. I keep the original sized photo in a folder.
I now have 3 lenses that fit this camera and one for Christmas on the way. At the moment I have an 18-55mm lens that came with the digital camera plus a 35-80mm and a 80-200mm that came with the 35mm rebel. These lenses cover pretty much all that I usually use.
The new lens that I have ordered has a bit more range to it, plus the macro feature. I am thinking it will be the lens of choice when I get it. With the exception of portrait photos, and really wide angle photos.
So, all in all, I think this digital camera thing is a very good idea. I won't get rid of my 35mm film cameras though. I still like being able to use that format and have some nice equipment to use. Till next time BYE!!
Christmas Gift
Grammar Test
Way to go! You know not to trust the MS Grammar Check and you know "no" from "know." Now, go forth and spread the good word (or at least, the proper use of apostrophes).
Are You Gooder at Grammar?
Make a Quiz
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Keep on Blogging
Certainly, I wouldn't have gotten to know ANY of these people in my real life situation. This to me is like censorship at it's worst. I don't agree with everything that is posted by everyone, but I do agree with the idea that everyone who blogs has the right to their opinion. If we don't allow others to express their opinions and thoughts, what kind of society will we have? One of only rosy pictures? One of only happy thoughts? The fact is simple, life isn't always rosy and it isn't always happy. For those who don't have a continually happy life they ought to be able to express it in a free manor.
Usually, it's only one or two instances of something that isn't what someone else thinks someone should have put into their blog that creates this mess. I feel deeply for those who feel they have had to change the way they blog or even go so far as changing their name just to avoid being singled out.
I just want to say that I wish all that blogs would have a free say in how they want to do their posts. Also, I wish other people would quit sticking their noses into where they don't belong. This isn't to say that it's wrong to have an opposing view, but to have such an impact on ones blog to the affect of making one change their blogs name or even making them think about quitting is altogether different.
I've had my say. I just wanted to post this as it has pissed me off pretty well. I do hope those that have had this happen to them keep blogging. Till next time BYE!!
Friday, November 24, 2006
3 things meme
1. 3 Things that scare me: death, heights, irs
2. 3 People who make me laugh: Ron White, Bill Cosby, Larry the Cable Guy
3. 3 Things I love: trains, music, biscuits
4. 3 Things I hate: rude people, traffic, no Internet
5. 3 Things I don’t understand: Spanish, quantum physics, html
6. 3 Things on my desk: train car, iced tea, medsr>
7. 3 Things I’m doing right now: answering this meme, watching tv, drinking iced tea
8. 3 Things I want to do before I die: see the pyramids, buy a house, build a train layout
9. 3 Things I can do: repair cars, build model trains. carpentry
10. 3 Things I can’t do: play piano, make my dog mind, hurt myself on purpose
11. 3 Things I think you should listen to: your parents, music that you like, teachers
12. 3 Things you should never listen to: fools, bad music, people telling you that you aren't worth anything
13. 3 Things I’d like to learn: html, airplane physics, to be an architect
14. 3 Favorite foods: meatloaf, chicken and dumplings, turkey
15. 3 Beverages I drink regularly: diet pepsi, iced tea, decaf coffee
16. 3 Shows I watched as a kid: Captain Kangaroo, Gunsmoke, I love Lucy
17. 3 People I’m tagging : Skittles , and 2 others to be named soon lol


Hint, if you click on the image it will bring it up in another window a bit bigger
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Panda Poop Paper
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
It's that time of year
Where we enjoy
Good times and good cheer
I'm thankful for family
I'm thankful for friends
and here's to hoping
That it all never ends.
Happy Thanksgiving all :)
35mm SLR
The motor drive came in very handy when I went to see the Detroit Grand Prix. When the Grand Prix first debuted in Detroit, they ran Formula one cars. Later, they ran the more familiar Indy type cars.
I used to get a photo pass for the Grand Prix which allowed me to get into better areas to get pictures of the cars roaring around the track. One noticeable difference between the Formula One races and the Indy car races is in the way they qualify. In Indy car, they qualify one at a time, in Formula one, you take you chances with who else is on the track. Therefore, even during qualifying, there are several cars on the track at a time with Formula one.
The last lens I bought for this camera was a short zoom lens, a 28-85mm one. It was the lens I tended to use most of the time. I also have an assortment of filters to use with these lenses.
This was the camera I used for many years until I decided I wanted something newer with auto-focus about 2 years ago. Here's a picture of the camera. Till next time BYE!!

My First Band Experience
I took it home and fiddled around with it. I didn't even have an amp to play it on. A bit of time went by and one day at work, Gary asked me if I wanted to learn a few songs with the band he knew. I have to admit, I was pretty nervous about it. I told him I would give it a try.
So, I went over to the house that the band practiced at(in the basement) and started my journey into the world of music. The guys in the band were pretty nice to me and let me learn a few easy songs. I had my big debut at a party that was thrown for another friends birthday. It was in a hall and I got to play in a short set. I think I did pretty well.
The only thing was that in order for me to play, I had to help set up and tear down after the party was over. The friend who introduced me to the band, was running the sound board that evening and asked if I wanted to sit with him. I took him up on the offer and enjoyed it. The only problem was, the sound board happened to be right next to the bar. You guessed it, the bartender would look over and see our empty pitcher sitting there and asked if we wanted another. By the end of the night, I was well smashed. I ended up staying over at my friends house(no I didn't drive).
That was my first experience playing in a real band. I didn't practice with them much after that till their regular bass player quit a few months after that. I did get better though. I played with that band for about 3 or 4 years. We mostly played rock and roll songs by bands like Grand Funk Railroad, ZZ Top and Foghat.
I am including a picture of one of the bass guitars that I still own. This one is a Gibson RD Standard, I payed 800$ for it in 1979 and I still have the receipt. I've owned 5 of them through the years. I still have 2. Till next time BYE!!

Tuesday Night
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Woo Hooo
Vacation Memories
vacation. Till next time BYE!!

Monday, November 20, 2006
For instance, we have 3 bookcases in our apartment. One in the living room, one in our bedroom and another in our spare bedroom/pc room. The ones in our living room and bedroom are full sized bookcases. They are pretty much Barbs. They are both full sized bookcases which stand about 6' tall. The one in the living room is filled with hard cover books and the one in our bedroom is filled with paperbacks. Both of these are really over filled.
So that brings me to the one in our spare bedroom. That ones primarily mine. It only has 3 shelves. The bottom shelf is filled with photography books. (when I get into something, I get into it lol) The second shelf is filled with various "coffee table" type books. You know, the ones that have nice big glossy pictures and a story or two. The top shelf is filled with computer and car manuals . It also serves as a display for a few of my models that I have built. Which leads to the differences in reading material between myself and Barb. She tends to read actual books where I tend to read more manual type books.
I have to admit that since I met Barb, I have read more books than I ever had in my life before(barring school that is). We both enjoy our reading choices though, and that is the important thing. So, there you have a view on one of the differences between Barb and I. Till next time BYE!!
But, all of the cars and engines that I have were all shiny and new looking. As I have progressed in this hobby, I came to the conclusion that I wanted a more realistic looking fleet of trains. I mean, surely you have noticed real trains going down the tracks right? How many train cars do you see that look like they are brand new? Practically none right?
So, that is where I am now. Getting my trains to look more real. It's called "weathering" to model railroaders. There are various methods to get the same result. Currently I am using artists pastel chalks that have been ground from a stick of whatever color I have and applied with a brush. Then I spray it with hairspray to hold it in place. It sometimes takes several applications of this "powder" to get the look I want. When I am happy with the way it looks, I finish it off with a coat of Testors Dull Coat. It's a lacquer that is sprayed onto the train and it stays dull to make it look real, but also to make it so the affect that I have applied doesn't come off while I handle the train cars.
So, I hope I didn't make this too long of a post. But, I did want to give those who haven't followed my blog from the start to have a better idea about why I do what I do to my model trains. Till next time BYE!!
It's that time of year when us model railroaders start working in earnest on our projects. As you have seen in my past posts, I am doing just that. I find it interesting as well as a stress reliever. So, just to warn you, I am going to be posting pics and such about the trains I am working on.
I will however, be posting about my other interests also. And, when spring gets here, I'll probably get into something else. What else you may ask? I'm thinking I'll probably get out my gas powered R/C car and take it for a spin or two. I tell ya, I'm like a little kid at times lol. Till next time BYE!!
For Those Who Want To Know
I have Musical Intelligence
Your Dominant Intelligence is Musical Intelligence |
![]() Every part of your life has a beat, and you're often tapping your fingers or toes. You enjoy sounds of all types, but you also find sound can distract you at the wrong time. You are probably a gifted musician of some sort - even if you haven't realized it. Also a music lover, you tend to appreciate artists of all kinds. You would make a great musician, disc jockey, singer, or composer. |
I've been Critiqued
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Ta- Daaaaa
Today, I ordered another new locomotive from a different online company. I guess I'll wait and see how this one goes lol. What can you do? Till next time BYE!!
The Draft
My Dads Camera
It's from the late 50's or early 60's and it is about as simple a camera as one can get. It is a twin lens reflex type and has 2 lenses, one for seeing what you are going to take a picture of and the other lens, the one on the bottom, takes the actual picture. It doesn't have much means of focusing either, it's done manually and all you can do is set it for the distance you are from the subject and hope it comes out clear.
I know most people wouldn't want to use this camera because of it's archaic nature. But this camera means much to me because it was my fathers. He has been past away for almost 20 years now and this is my way to remember him. I also have other little memento's to remember him by, but I think this one is one of the neater things I have of his. I have included 2 pictures, one with the camera itself and the other in the leather case it came in. The leather is in remarkable condition. Part of the reason for that is that the camera flash broke many years ago and my dad simply put it away. I now have it and treasure it. I have 3 other cameras that are easier to use and also better quality than this one, but I still like to take it out now and then to get a picture with it. When I finish the roll of film in it, I might share some pictures on my blog. Till next time BYE!!

Saturday Night
Saturday, November 18, 2006
AAhhhh, That's Better
The wife and I have been doing more talking as of late, so that's good.
Other than that, not much going on. Till next time BYE!!
How Strange are You?
Well it looks like you are completely normal. There really isn't much strange about you. You most likely fit in easily with the crowd and don't go against the grain. Don't feel bad that you aren't strange--there are benefits to being normal afterall!
How Strange Are You?
Quizzes for MySpace
Smart Ass Test
How much of a smart @ss are you? Your Result: What? You call yourself a smart @ss? Your smart @ss level is too low to even be considered being a smart @ss. You really need to work on your smart @ss skills if you want to have a higher score | |
Congrats!! | |
nice. | |
Wow! | |
a start. | |
How much of a smart @ss are you? Quizzes for MySpace |
Satruday Reading Fun
From the Talisman by Stephen King and Peter Straub
It took Jack less that a week to decide that a detour into the Territories was the only way they could possibly escape the Sunlight Home. He was willing to try that, but he found he would do almost anything, run any risk, if only he could avoid flipping from the Sunlight Home itself. There was no concrete reason for this, only the voice of his undermind whispering that what was bad here would be worse over there. This was, perhaps, a bad place in all worlds. . .like a bad spot in an apple which goes all the way to the core. Anyway, the Sunlight Home was a bad enough; he had no urge to see what its Territories counterpart looked like unless he had to.
Vocabulary Test
Your Vocabulary Score: B+ |
![]() You have a zealous love for the English language, and many find your vocabulary edifying. Don't fret that you didn't get every word right, your vocabulary can be easily ameliorated! |
Friday, November 17, 2006
A Small Rant
New Project
A bit of history on them.
These railroad machines were first developed by a fellow named Oswald F Jordan. He worked for a subsidiary of the New York Central. The railroads had to maintain the area surrounding the tracks so that water and other debris wouldn't foul the tracks or cause problems. This guy came up with a machine that properly tapered the sides of the tracks so that this could be done in one fell swoop. What a smart guy huh? He started making them around 1900. In 1910, he bought some land and started building them on his own. They are still used to this day, so the idea was a pretty useful one. I have included a couple of pictures of a model that someone else built to let you see what it will look like. (mine isn't done yet. Many,many small parts to this model) The first pic is with the "wings" closed, the second with them open. The wings were used to shape the area on the side of the railroad tracks for drainage and such.

Blog Problem
It's dedicated to my wonderful wife Barb, who I don't say much about but should.
There's a time when one should hear
There's a time when one should listen
There's a time when one doesn't
That makes another's tears glisten
A stain upon ones memory
A stain upon ones heart
So please heed this warning
Listen, before it tears you apart
To my wife Barb I Love You!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Remove the Sign PLEASE!
I guess on the other hand, both Barb's and my cars are fixed now. So that's good.
Till next time BYE!!