Saturday, December 9, 2006

Saturday Night

Barb and I decided to get some Taco Bell and watch a movie tonight. We watched Domestic Disturbance with John Travolta in it. The movie was pretty good. We then took some time to look at all the trains that are still on the dining room table. I told you I was relaxing right?

Besides, Barb (Skittles) hasn't seen them all anyway. She likes some of the older ones I have. They are called "Billboard Reefers". These are the old refrigerated boxcars that have various names of the companies they come from painted in large letters on the side. Sort of like the old barns with the big ad signs you see while driving down the highway.

We did get a surprise when we came back to out little PC room though, the cable signal was still on. What a surprise. After having gone off and on the whole day here.

Now it's time for me to relax some more lol. I'll probably do some grocery shopping tomorrow. More lunch supplies, this time for a whole week. Back to the old routine here. Not much else to post about at the moment. You'll know when I do though lol. Till next time BYE!!


Barb said...
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Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

don't forget the twinkies mike, get the important stuff first. charlie likes little debbies, says she is his girlfriend....bee

Gene Bach said...

Nice to have a quiet evening with the spouse once in awhile. With two of three daughters still at home, and the exchange student, and friend of kids, those are few and far between here! LOL!

Erika Jean said...

Mmm taco bell

Anonymous said...

You live dangerously going to taco bell. 60 people in the Northeast sickened by taco bell and 49 hospitalized 7 developed kidney failure. I think I'll skip my burritos for a while.