I just thought it'd be a nice thing to show you a couple of pictures of the things I got for Xmas this year. After taking Xmas pics with the kids I haven't done much photography. The first one is of my ipod in it's holder that I bought and the second one is my new lens on the right, a 70-300 zoom with macro with the one it will replace on the left which is a 70-200 zoom. That's it for now. Till next time BYE!!

nice mike! i have a point and click and that is about all i can handle, but if you can use those big ones, you go!!! manly, huh?
Nice camera, where is the trains.
I'm jealous. Those are some nice lenses. I haven't used my 35 mm much lately, it's gotten too easy to use the digital. But the digital doesn't have the zoom that the 35 does.
How's your ipod? I love mine. Have you loaded much music in it yet.
Looks like a very good xmas.
I bought Scott all sorts of hunting stuff and all I ended up with were a bunch of new casserole dishes. What the flip is up with that? He wrapped them all by themselves so by time I go to the 15th gift, it was impossible to pretend to be excited about yet another dish... for a kitchen that is already packed with perfectally good dishes. (We've only been married for 6 years so it's still all pretty new) Usually he does really well for me, but not this year. I guess it serves me right for giving him lots of underwear a few years ago....
I can't blog about it because I don't want to hurt his feelings. I'll just crab behind his back.
Good grief, how old am I?
Now I am jealous.
Because you showed off your lenses and made me drool I expect pictures.
I am so impressed with the trains. I could not do anything like that. No wonder you are 77% peaceful.
You're lucky to received such wonderful gifts. I'm sure you're excited to put those lenses in good use. Have fun taking beautiful photos!
I'm still hinting for a macro but one hasn't arrived yet. I guess my husband isn't on blogger yet.
Being an adult, I guess I'll have to buy myself one.
Happy New Year, Mike.
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