Appetizer: Have you ever flown in a helicopter No, in fact I have never even been in a plane, I have a fear of heights.
Soup: What color is your warmest coat: camo lol
Salad: What is your favorite rainy day activity: being on the pc blogging
Main Course: Describe your hands: big, but surprisingly soft for having worked with them all my life. Getting more wrinkles, and a few small scars.
Desert: If you could eat only one nut for the rest of your life, what nut would you pick: Almonds

Blogging is a great rainy day activity. So is puddle hopping ;-)
Almond Joys. MMMMM I could go for one now.
Nice feast. :) Spending time on the PC is a great way to pass a rainy day.
Thanks for stopping by and have a good weekend. :)
Ha, I like your "camo" answer! We lived in Texas for a year and a half - everything was CAMO - I love it!
Great Feast.. I'll tell you the rest in private. (whisper whisper)
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