I got my return to work letter from his nurse. That went fine except their printer didn't want to print at first.
So I got out of there and headed to where I work to check in. It's a normal procedure to do this. The next thing that happened was that my ID badge didn't work to let me in the little security gate. I found out that after 30 days off, they take your ID out of their system. So now I have to get a new ID sometime next week. So I headed off to medical to get my return to work papers. What I found out though, was that due to being out for more than 90 days, I had to be examined by the doctor before they would allow me to come back to work. That went OK also, but it did take longer than I had planned.
After I got that straightened out, I stopped in to chat with a few of the guys I work with. They were all surprised and happy to see me. That made me feel good. They were also surprised I was coming back so soon. I thought...so soon? It's been 4 months guys lol. I lucked out in that it was break time when I was talking to them, so I got to see several of the people I work with.
I got out of there and headed to the grocery store to pick up some lunch supplies. Something I haven't had to do in quite a while. So, here I am at home again and it's only almost 3pm lol.
What a day. I will miss being home and being able to blog at will. I will not be able to do that at work. Even if I had a laptop, I don't think they have Wi-Fi or anything like that. Not to mention I don't have anywhere to put a laptop. I sure wouldn't leave it in the lunch room.
So, it's back to work for me. I start at 6:30 am and get out at 3pm if we work 8 hours. I'll do my blogging when I get home unless I think of something to post before I go to work. That's how my day went. It's been a pretty good one I think. Good news and a restart of a habit for me. Till next time BYE!!

Awwww, I'll hug you when I get home every night :)
Congrats on the release to return to work! Hope all continues to go ok.
Congrats! And good luck back at work.
oh great news! except the blogging part. do you think they would just send you paychecks and let you stay home with barb and blog? maybe you could make a deal with them (whoever they are) and blog about their wonderful company and they would get so much new business they would start giving you raises and more vacations and time off. yeah, that sounds nice. glad you are better. bee
Congrats Mike! I think...
I, personally, wouldn't be too excited to go back to work, but I'm lazy. :0)
I'm so glad you're healthy enough to go back to work - that's fantastic news.
Congrats on being well enough to go back. I'm assuming you really wanted to since you are going tomorrow. I would of given myself a few days to get used to the idea. LOL.
Glad you've recovered enough to get back to the daily grind. Think of work as more to blog about.
We'll miss you. : (
"Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work you go!"
good luck back at work!!
I remember when I had my hernia surgery and I was only out for three weeks. I about went stir crazy in just three weeks. I was ready to get back to the old grind. I couln't imagine 4 months. Glad your back on the good side of health.
Later Y'all
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