So here I sit at almost 4 am posting. I don't mind though as I can just stay up and maybe take care of that last minute Christmas shopping that needs to be done.
Not much new at work. I have been used as a utility man there seeing as I know all the jobs. At least I don't get stuck on the same job all the time. It felt good to get a regular paycheck too. I have one more week to work then I get a week off for Christmas Holiday. Wooo hooo.
Skittles showed me something yesterday that she saw in a magazine. If I had seen it earlier it would have been on my Christmas list for sure. It is a turntable for playing vinyl LP's that plugs into your computers USB port. What a neat thing that would be. It would let me record all my LP's that I have sitting in storage. I'm already thinking of a way to get it anyway lol.
That's about it for now. Till next time BYE!!

Posting at 4am.. welcome to my world. LOL :)
Oh that reminds me.. where's the check??? (Wink.)
oh mike that would be a neat toy! imagine....bee
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