It was nice and warm today while I was out. Pretty unusual for this time of year really. I didn't even need a coat when I went out. Makes me wonder if we are going to have a mild winter of Mother Nature is just saving all the nasty stuff for January.
My trains are still out on the dining room table. I told you I was relaxing this weekend remember? lol. I kind of decided that I want to take pictures of them all just in case something happens to them. Many are from my younger days and would be a shame to lose them somehow. At least this way I will have pictures of them. It will also give me an idea about what type of cars I need to round out my collection. I just think it would be nice to have at least one of every type.
I guess that's all for now. I'll be having dinner some time soon. Then just relaxing and getting to bed early for another week at work. I did get my papers in order to start my physical therapy going. I found out last week that I can get that right at the plant, so I don't have to make arrangements with someplace that I have to drive to. Makes it a lot more convenient for me. Till next time BYE!!

I know it's more than the financial aspect. You've had some of those trains for a very long time, like the engine you've had for over 30 years.
(I think I have underwear that old.)
did you get the twinkies?
We got the warmer weather too, kind of nice. Ohio doesn't get ther $ back on cans... but I remember in MI, me and my sisters went back in my grandparents woods, had found where some kids had been partying and got about 4 trash bags full... we were SO excited to get the $.
Sorry Bee, I got Suzie Q's.
Erika, if you get enough of them you can make some pretty good change here.
Hey Mike I have tagged you. Check out my blog and find out what to do...cheers!
Cold here last week--froze to the bone but..the last couple of days it's been very nice. Kevin went ice fishing (first time this year) no fish but he enjoyed the day at the lake. Did you get Barb to bake the cookies for you? They sure sound yummy. I need to get the ingredients so I can try them. I like your new Christmas Tree. Have a good week back to work. Cool that you can get therapy on the job site.
XXX Jolie
haha Lazy sunday.
Happy Monday now that Sunday is over :)
you should definitely take pictures of the trains. Especially if they are worth anything you can insure them. Plus I would love to see them !!
This weather, where it's 20 one day and 50 the next...yeah, it does a number on my sinuses! :0)
Mike it's me you do a Christmas theme with your trains...if not have you thought about doing something like that? Just a thought.
Hope you are having a good day!
I am so glad you are having great weather. Also it is wonderful you will have physical therapy at work. That will save time, and gas. Glad to hear you are doing great.
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