1 over 30 bags of toys for the Toys for Tots program
2 900$ cash was raised
3 65 bikes were donated
4 And last but certainly not least.... 44 families were adopted as part of the Adopt a Family program that we participate in each year.
A hearty thanks goes out to all the autoworkers who donated their time and energy to this program. I really think that the things done this year will brighten up quite a few homes that are in need. Till next time BYE!!

It's awfully nice to be able to help out families in need, isn't it? My daughter and I try to help others in some way - especially at Christmas.
Happy Birthday.... I know I'm a bit late in the day, but think I may have squeeked in under the wire! Hope you had a great day :)
Wow.. that's awesome!
Happy Birthday Mikey!!!! Hope Skittles got you a nice birthday present.....
that is so wonderful !! when I was in high school I delivered gifts to the adopted families. It was the best feeling ever...I wish I could it everyday.
My daughter and I may be volunteering to serve Christmas Eve dinner at the LA mission this year for a couple of hours. I think its good for her to experience things like that (as long as its a safe environment of course.
That is so neat. I used to adopt a senior citizen.
I missed your birthday!!!!!
Happy Belated Birthday
Good job to you and your co-workers. Some folks will have a merrier Xmas thanks to you.
Happy holidays.
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