It never fails to bring a smile to me to watch little ones open their gifts that Santa has brought. (He left them at my house so I could bring them) Yes, this is a special time of year when we all get together and share. Thoughts, good wishes, and cheer. We (Skittles and I) will be going to see our grandchildren and children. It's a long drive but well worth it. I'm glad they don't live further though lol.
We will be returning home in the late evening sometime. We will treasure the moments as we make our way home. When we get home, we may open some of our presents as well, the ones we have given to each other. I will be surprised as I have no idea about what I might receive. (except one lol) We'll go to bed and awaken to Christmas Day.
We will have our own little special Christmas dinner that afternoon. Traditions starting again. Things change and people do too. But I do relish this time of year. A time of reflection and giving.
So, whatever your beliefs, I wish each or you reading this blog the Merriest of Christmas. because underneath it all, it's still Christmas. Till next time BYE!!

I love the way you can put your thought down like this.
You're right.. traditions do change, such as where we do what.. but the important things never change. Things like the loved ones we spend time with.
merry christmas mike! give barb a hug from sarge and me, okay? and have lots of fun with those young 'ens, you hear? smiles.....
have a ball with the grandkids! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!!!
Have SO MUCH fun with your family. It really is what it's all about...
Merry Christmas and a very happy new year
Hey drive...enjoy your time with family...and your time with Skittles...Merry Christmas!!!
Great post! Merry Christmas to you and yours. I love this time of year, although it makes me so sentimental. *Sniff sniff*
Merry Christmas, Mike!
Thanks for the corona! Can I open it now, can I, huh, huh, can I? I'll need it, the rest of the 6 pack and the 5th of Skittles (hey that could be a new label), before the day is over I'm sure. Enjoy your day with family! Merry Christmas Mike!
Wonderfully put!
I'm so excited to get ready to go to my parents'. I love Christmas Eve - just love it. Maybe I'll take my cheapy digital camera over to my parents' and shoot some pics for you guys.
Merry Christmas and enjoy tonight! I know I will!
Merry Christmas! We had a wonderful Christmas Eve celebration. My son enjoyed opening his presents. He's already sleeping right now ... probably dreaming of his new toys. :)
I love seeing my daughter open all her gifts. Its almost like being a kid through her.
Merry Christmas Mike!
Happy Christmas Mike
aka fellow writer in tuckersville
Merry Christmas to you and Barb. What a wonderful post. Safe travels.
I hope you got a train for Christmas.
Merry Christmas Mike,
I must admit--Christmas feels a little different for me this year, but your post may have sparked some Christmas Cheer!
I think many of us get caught up in the gift-giving part of Christmas, but I think it's wonderful to acknowledge the part that family and friends play.
I am in Chicago (again) this Christmas and I forgot how much love I feel here with my family.
Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year. We've worked soooo hard for it in 2006!!
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