Barb over at Skittles Place had me try this neat little personality test. It was pretty easy and I'm a bit surprised at the answer. Go try it if you want :)
Your distinct personality, The Doctor might be found in most of the thriving kingdoms of the time. Your emotions and feelings are reality based. You are not misled with half formed ideas nor are you given to radical or high risk experimentation. You follow the tried and true and do not waste time thinking about things that cannot be seen, touched, heard, felt or smelled. On the positive side, you can become an exceptional expert in your particular area of the helping professions. You can deliver and maintain consistent and beneficial service to others. You do not lose sight of the reality of the situation and can usually control your own emotions. On the negative side, your emotions may want to be sensually satisfied which might lead to too much food, drink or other sensual pleasures. Interestingly, your preference is just as applicable in today's corporate kingdoms.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Heads or Tails

This weeks "Heads or Tails" meme theme is "Peace or Piece". For this week I think I'll chose the former, Peace.
I'll start by telling you about part of the trip Skittles and I took a few weeks ago. We went to see the Rocky Mountains. What a beautiful sight they were indeed. There were several places that were so "peace"ful that we were just awestruck by it. The one that really comes to mind though was on the road that takes you to see the Royal Gorge. On this road which twists and turns up the mountains to get to the gorge there were several places where you could pull your car over and have a picnic. These places had picnic benches and beautiful scenery. We stopped at one to have lunch before going on to the gorge. When we got out of the car we beheld some very pretty scenes. You could look out from our vantage point and see many mountains surrounding the area. The other thing that struck us was the quietness there. There wasn't any sound other than the wind or the very seldom passing car. It was just so "peace"ful there that it made you want to stay forever.
That's my post for this week. I wish you could all have been there (not at the same time mind you lol) so you could enjoy it for yourselves. Till next time BYE!!

Sunday, May 4, 2008
Camera Critters

It's time for another installment of Camera Critters. It's easy to play this meme as you just need to take a pic of a critter and post it. I took this photo during our last trip. We had stopped early in the morning at a rest stop in Nebraska the second day of our ride. This is part of what the scenery looked like there.

Saturday, May 3, 2008
On the bottom of my blog I have a map of states that I have visited. I have updated it to reflect the 2 new states that I have visited since I last updated it. One of those states is of course Colorado, the other new state is Kansas. So, I'm getting the map filled up and some day maybe I'll get it all filled lol. Till next time BYE!!

The Trip
As most of you know by reading Skittles blog that we took a trip this past week. We went to Colorado first where we went to see the Rocky Mountain National Park, then headed south of there where we spent the night within easy sight of Pikes Peak. The next day we headed over to see the Royal Gorge (something I thought I'd never get to see). We ended up trying to make it to another National park only to think it would be better to make our way home ( we were kinda running out of time and the extra distance would have meant extra travel time). We made out way towards home with a neat stop in Hannibal Missouri. Hannibal is the boyhood home of one Samuel Clemens, better known by his writing name of Mark Twain. We got to see some very neat things there including going on a river boat ride. I've put up some pics for you to enjoy. I hope the mountain pics do the majestic Rocky Mountains justice. For this installment I'll only include the Mountain and Gorge pics. I'll post later with the Hannibal pics as I don't want to take up too much space. Till next time BYE!!
Pikes Peak as seen from the corner of our hotel
As a side note, I shrunk the pics so they would load faster, so if you click on them, they will come up a bit bigger.
Pikes Peak as seen from the corner of our hotel
As a side note, I shrunk the pics so they would load faster, so if you click on them, they will come up a bit bigger.

Sunday, April 20, 2008
Damndest Thing
It's funny in a way. This has to do with the "new" car I have. When we looked at it at the dealer, it looked like it was a tan or dark tan color. Maybe it was the lighting as it was a bit overcast that day. When I saw it again to pick it up, it looked a bit more grayish to me. When I get close though, it's actually a greenish shade. I did get a color touch up pen with the car and it's labeled as "spruce green". But honestly, look at the pictures that Skittles took and the car looks more grayish doesn't it? Oh well, it doesn't really matter as we both like the color of it. It's just that in different light, it seems to be a different color. We did take George out for a long drive yesterday and it runs and rides great. Till next time BYE!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008
Farewell to an old friend
It's time to say farewell to an old friend of mine. This friend has been a loyal and good friend. This friend has been with me through many miles and many smiles, through rain sleet and snow. But, as with all things, it had to come to an end. I never really envisioned it to be like this though. So, just to let you know who this friend is, it's my car lol. I bought this car about 5 years ago, and it has been through alot with me. It's had some major work done to it(the engine was rebuilt), but otherwise has been a good car. I've put many trouble free miles on it, but with the odometer reading 171,000 +, it was time to end my relationship with it. Skittles and I had been looking around for a good used one to avoid paying high insurance bills and high payments also. Well, just on a whim, we stopped by a local Lincoln Mercury dealer to see what was on the lot. To our amazement there was a 1999 Mercury Grand Marquis with only 24,000 miles on it. The proverbial little old lady from Pasadena's car. We took it for a drive and decided it was the car we wanted/needed. It's roomy and comfy. Plus it's replacing a Grand Marquis of 93 vintage. Here's what it looks like. I didn't take any pics of the old one as it wasn't worth it. It had damage from a deer accident and was 2 different colors. So without further ado, heres George( we always name our cars). Till next time BYE!!

Camera Critters

Camera Critters

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
As some of you know, Skittles has been having problems with her car. As you may not know, my car is getting on in age. Don't get me wrong, it's been a good car for as long as I've had it, but it is getting to where I don't know if it's worth putting any money into it. So...I've been out looking around for something newer to drive. We've spotted a few good ones, but today while we were out, we stopped at a Mercury dealer to see what they had. We found one we both liked. It's a 1999 Mercury Grand Marquis similar to the one I currently own. My present one is a 1993 though with 171,000 miles on it. The one we looked at today only has 25,000 miles on it. A very interesting car. And in very good condition. Maybe the little old lady from Pasadena owned it lol. I'll let you know how the rest goes in time. Till next time BYE!!

Monday, April 14, 2008
Heads or Tails

This weeks theme is "Tip" or anything that rhymes with tip.
I'll go with the word Trip. As Skittles and I took a trip a few weeks ago to see some sights. It started out to be a trip to the east coast but ended up being a trip to West Virginia, Virginia, and Maryland. This is how some of our trips go. We start out in a general direction and end up going somewhere else. At least we were in the right general vicinity lol. I like these kind of trips as we just go where we want to go. It doesn't matter if we change our minds as we never make reservations for Hotels. I didn't take many pics on this trip as the weather was pretty overcast and it rained during most of the journey. Maybe I'll post one of the pics I took in a future blog entry.

Saturday, April 12, 2008
Camera Critters

You can find the blog site for the meme here.

Saturday, March 29, 2008
I was tagged by Sanni from It's sanni-licious to do a meme. So here it is :)
If I were a direction I’d be South
If I were furniture I’d be A big comfy couch
If I were a liquid I’d be Mud
If I were a sin I’d be Is being lazy a sin? lol
If I were a gem/stone I’d be A lump of coal (diamond in the rough) lol
If I were a metal I’d be Steel
If I were a tree I’d be an Oak
If I were a fruit I’d be a banana
If I were a flower I’d be a daisy
If I were weather I’d be Cloudy
If I were a music instrument I’d be A bass guitar
If I were an element I’d be Earth
If I were a color I’d be Red
If I were an animal I’d be a bear
If I were a sound I’d be a quiet spring day
If I were a lyric I’d be "Saturday in the Park I think it was the
fourth of July"
If I were a song I’d be "In the living years"
If I were a music type I’d be Rock
If I were a perfume/cologne I’d be Stetson
If I were a feeling I’d be Happy
If I were a book I’d be War and Peace
If I were food I’d be banana pudding
If I were a city I’d be Grand Rapids
If I were a taste I’d be Tangy
If I were a scent I’d be Soothing
If I were a word I’d be Descriptive
If I were a verb I’d be Playing
If I were an object I’d be a rock
If I were a piece of clothing I’d be a worn pair of blue jeans
If I were a body part I’d be an arm
If I were an facial expression I’d be a smile
If I were a cartoon character I’d be Marvin the Martian
If I were a movie I’d be An officer and a gentleman
If I were a geometrical figure I’d be an oval
If I were one of the 4 seasons I’d be Summer
If I were a sentence I’d be incomplete
Till next time BYE!!
If I were a direction I’d be South
If I were furniture I’d be A big comfy couch
If I were a liquid I’d be Mud
If I were a sin I’d be Is being lazy a sin? lol
If I were a gem/stone I’d be A lump of coal (diamond in the rough) lol
If I were a metal I’d be Steel
If I were a tree I’d be an Oak
If I were a fruit I’d be a banana
If I were a flower I’d be a daisy
If I were weather I’d be Cloudy
If I were a music instrument I’d be A bass guitar
If I were an element I’d be Earth
If I were a color I’d be Red
If I were an animal I’d be a bear
If I were a sound I’d be a quiet spring day
If I were a lyric I’d be "Saturday in the Park I think it was the
fourth of July"
If I were a song I’d be "In the living years"
If I were a music type I’d be Rock
If I were a perfume/cologne I’d be Stetson
If I were a feeling I’d be Happy
If I were a book I’d be War and Peace
If I were food I’d be banana pudding
If I were a city I’d be Grand Rapids
If I were a taste I’d be Tangy
If I were a scent I’d be Soothing
If I were a word I’d be Descriptive
If I were a verb I’d be Playing
If I were an object I’d be a rock
If I were a piece of clothing I’d be a worn pair of blue jeans
If I were a body part I’d be an arm
If I were an facial expression I’d be a smile
If I were a cartoon character I’d be Marvin the Martian
If I were a movie I’d be An officer and a gentleman
If I were a geometrical figure I’d be an oval
If I were one of the 4 seasons I’d be Summer
If I were a sentence I’d be incomplete
Till next time BYE!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008
Mentally Drained
I haven't blogged regularly for a long time now. But I just thought I'd write a bit about my work. Yeah, I'm mentally drained from what went on at work tonight. You see, I've been the Major Model trainer for my shift at work for almost a year now. That is to say that when we get a new car to build, I'm trained first, then I train everybody else in my unit. A few months ago, I got some help in the form of the Major Model trainer from our 2nd shift. This person has been a very big help to me and has learned the whole operation on our line during this time. These last few weeks though, we have been working split shifts in order to train all those on our 2nd shift. The shift supervisor has been there during the whole time. But, some of the people on this shift have been difficult if not impossible to train. Not to mention that tonight we ran a practice car to get the 2nd shift people familiar with it and this was the first time he had walked through to see what was actually done with it. Top this off with my now having to work another split shift tomorrow to run another car on 2nd shift because the supervisor thought his people weren't as well trained as they should be. Drats!!! Oh well, at least they didn't try to find fault in the methods we have used to train the people there. It's just getting to be a mental drain with all that's been going on. Lots of work to do in the next couple weeks and now it seems to be more to do before it's over. I guess that's about all for now. Just thought I'd do a post lol. Till next time BYE!!

Monday, March 24, 2008
New Home of Heads or Tails
For those who don't already know it, Heads or Tails has a new home. I've put the link here for those who would like to visit it. Or you can use the convenient link I have posted in the " Family" link section on my sidebar. Oh, I also have updated the link to Skittles' Place. If you have the old link on your blog, you will be redirected to the new site, but if you want, you can just click on the link on my sidebar and it will take you to her new site. Repetitive I know...but I thought I'd put it there just in case. Till next time BYE!!

Heads or Tails

Both Skittles and I got a pretty good surprise this weekend when we had a new digital recorder installed for our tv. The install of this recorder wasn't really the surprise though as we had called to get it installed a few weeks ago. The surprise was how neat this new toy was. We can now record programs or even entire series of programs. We also got a short lived surprise as we got some premium channels for the weekend that we didn't order with the new box. Plus after watching some of the neat programming, we ended up getting more programs so we can have more to watch. Talk about couch potatoes lol. At least it will get us out of the computer room more. So there you have it. Our small surprise. Till next time BYE!!

Friday, March 21, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Heads or Tails

Till next time BYE!!

Monday, March 10, 2008
Heads or Tails

I got home this afternoon and Skittles had me try this little thingie that she found. It was quite interesting to do. One thing to remember is that you have to type all the colors in and you have to spell them correctly for them to count. I would have gotten 24, but I had included "blue" along with something that I hadn't spelled right and I just erased it lol. It's amazing how difficult it is to think of colors when you are timed at it.
Till next time BYE!!

Saturday, March 1, 2008
Moon Travel Might Not Be My Thing
Skittles had this on her blog and she wanted me to try it to see how I would do. Apparently I didn't have the same answers that NASA does lol.
Till Next Time BYE!!
Till Next Time BYE!!

Friday, February 29, 2008
New Toy
If you've read Skittles blog you already know that we went Christmas shopping yesterday. Not for this year but to finish up our last years shopping for ourselves. I had gotten a gift certificate for a hobby shop and hadn't decided what to get so far. So, off we went yesterday in search of the hobby store(the closest one is actually in the next state, Ohio lol). Well, I was like a kid in a candy store. So much to see and so many decisions to make. Trains, planes and cars. R/C and static models abounded. After doing a fair amount of drooling lol, I decided to get a new R/C car. It's actually a Monster Truck. It's made by HPI and is called the E savage. This thing is huge. Heavy too as it has 2 motors and 2 battery packs to propel it. I already had an electric R/C car but it's pretty old. I also have a gas powered R/C car that is really a stadium truck, much like the ones you see in real stadiums jumping over dirt hills and such. The neat thing about this new one is that it has a lot more ground clearance than my gas powered car. I had taken my gas powered one out to the site behind my apartment that is building new houses and tried to run it there, but it just doesn't have enough ground clearance for that kind of rough terrain. This one does lol. I've put a couple of pics here to let you see what the new one looks like. The first one is of the new truck, the second one lets you see the difference in size between the new one and my gas powered one. I'm looking forward to when the weather will be nice enough to run it in the dirt and see what exactly it will do. Oh, I almost forgot, I've named my new truck Barney. Barney you say? Well yeah, short for Barney Badass lol.
Till next time BYE!!

Till next time BYE!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Lost Photo Op
This happened Monday actually. I have been working split shifts for my job as Major Model Trainer. Monday was my day to start at 10:30 am instead of my usual 6:30 am so I could be there to train the second shift people. It had been snowing that morning and I awoke to a beautiful white covering of snow. What I didn't expect was the beauty that I would see on my way to work. Trees and other items covered in snow and begging to be photographed. It's too bad I didn't have my camera with me as I could have gotten some great shots. For one thing, I don't carry my camera with me to work, second, we aren't allowed to bring cameras into work and third, I wouldn't want to leave my camera in the car for that long of a time in the cold weather. I was hoping the snow would stay like it was that morning so I could maybe get up early and take some pics the next day, but it got warm enough during the day to melt most of the snow that was on the trees. Oh well, some other time perhaps lol.
Till next time BYE!!
Till next time BYE!!

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