Theres a new weekly meme that is starting and it's called "Camera Critters". It's pretty simple, on Sunday, you just post a pic of an animal or critter. I guess I'll start this one off with a picture of my pet cockatiel, his name is Charlie. He's quite the character.

You can find the blog site for the meme here.
Hi there Charlie! You're a pretty bird!
I had a parakeet when I was young. He got nervous because my cat used to pace the window-sill below his cage. So, my parakeet plucked out all of his feathers, except for his wing- and tail-feathers! He was completely featherless other than wings and a tail. Poor Tweety.
Thanks for joining Camera-Critters, Mike! It means SO much to me (besides, it's the least you could do after refusing to allow me to play with your r/c cars hehe)
So many wonderful animals! I already love this meme after the first time done!!!
When I was young our neighbours had cockatiel named Coco. I loved watching him. He was quite intelligent!
Your's is cute, too!
My CC is up, too. Please hop over if you like to.
&hearts Sonny
Hi Charlie! :)
Charlie is far too cute, like Gina, Sasha and the whole not so furry and feathery family *grin*
♥ ya all!
Oh, he is sweet. After 20 years we lost our cockatiel, Burt, just this last year. Our house is so quite without him. They make wonderful pets and are great company. Nice to meet you and Charlie.
Charlie is a cutie. I am so afraid of birds. I have no idea why because Ifind them amazing, but they scare me to death.
When I was a kid I had a parakeet. Pretty Bird was his name. He died. I tried to replace him with Pretty Bird II but it just wasn't the same.
What a cheeky looking bird1
I'm wondering what he's saying about being included here...
Are cockatiels easy to raise? I use to have a parakeet.
he looks more intelligent than Baba Doodlius just kidding Baba
Oh Charlie is cute, does he talk? I had one and tried and tried to teach him to talk but he never did.
We have often talked about getting a bird....
Since we have a bird dog, that just would not work
CHarlie is quite handsome
I love birds, but I think our 2 cats might not like them as much. LOL
that is a pretty bird; a great yellow color. they are interesting. daughter had a love bird and it talked to her and hollered at me. never knew why.
And what a cute pet it is! I thought it would mostly be dogs and cats and am getting lots of surprises. Come and see mine.
My mom & her #5 have a birdie named Charlie, too. I think he's the same kind, but I'm not sure. She has lots of stories to tell about him. They sound like very personable birdies. :)
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