This weeks theme is "Tip" or anything that rhymes with tip.
I'll go with the word Trip. As Skittles and I took a trip a few weeks ago to see some sights. It started out to be a trip to the east coast but ended up being a trip to West Virginia, Virginia, and Maryland. This is how some of our trips go. We start out in a general direction and end up going somewhere else. At least we were in the right general vicinity lol. I like these kind of trips as we just go where we want to go. It doesn't matter if we change our minds as we never make reservations for Hotels. I didn't take many pics on this trip as the weather was pretty overcast and it rained during most of the journey. Maybe I'll post one of the pics I took in a future blog entry.

I think those are the best kind of trips. The ones were you go where you want to with no pressure to be there at a certain time.
Sounds like a fun trip despite the overcast skies. Happy HOT day! :)
Oooohhhh~ You guys went to where I dream of going one day! I want to go to the East coast and visit lighthouses! You can check mine out here
Yes!!!! Those trips ARE the best!!!
Sounds adventuresome. I like those kind
My Poor Hubby would love those kinds of trips, but I would probably have some kind of attack. I have to plan things out & make sure that everything will be as we want it everyplace we go. As long as you 2 had fun, that's all that matters!!
I love trips like that, and I think I discover more when things are unplanned... love your H&T
seems fun trip :D
Will you visit my “tip“ Thanks
I also like to take trips without making too many plans. Always seem to turn out better that way, haha
Whoof... I've only been on one real trip and that had some plans... but not many. I didn't know what Mom 'Bean had in mind at any time, arf arf.
Perfect trip! How lovely that you can meander together like that. Life sounds wonderful.
Lovely is also about a trip I took to the Southern most tip of Africa.
I loved reading this!
Welcome at my heads or tails:
:: here::
Have a great day!
Some of my favorite trips were spontaneous and unexpected ones like you've describes. Thanks for sharing. My 2nd HoT is up at Small Reflections. I hope you'll stop by ;--)
Hugs and blessings,
Yes, those trips are definitely the best...
My homman mommy always ends up somewhere else when my hooman dad is not driving =D
I´d love to go on a road trip with no predetermined destination one day =)
Oh... could you please tell Jersey I read THAT when she´ll stops by next time? TY! *wink*
That sounds fun and adventurous...just going where ever you want! It makes it more exciting!
I like that way to travel... something creative about going where the wind blows you.
I also like taking trips like that...just get into the car and drive :)
such trips are fun. aren't they?
My favorite kind of trip! Sounds like you had fun and that's a trip!
Those are the best kind of trips. When we went to pick up Dickon from Arkansas, the trip out was in a pretty straight line, but the one back was extremely off kilter. We spent quite a bit of time going West when we really needed to go East to get back to NJ. It was tons of fun though!
Sounds like a great trip!!!!
I love reading the stories of your and Barb's trips. You guys have such a great relationship. Now, she just needs to teach you how to share your toys ;-)
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