We (Barb and I) kept our 3 year old grandson Andy overnight and part of Sunday while his parents got some time to themselves sort of lol. His parents decided to keep his little sister Emily with them as she gets a bit finicky when she stays with people she doesn't know all that well. We just happen to be not that well known to her. We did make some progress getting to know her on Saturday night though as we took the whole bunch to Cici's Pizza for dinner. It was a good time there as we got to interact with Emily a bit. These photos were taken in our backyard so to speak. It's actually the back yard of our apartment complex. I had gone out to take a picture of a Heron that had landed at the wetland when my grandson Andy called out to me that he wanted to go with me. What could I say right? Anyway, by the time I took a few pics of the Heron (I'll save those for another post) Barb had joined us as well. It was Barb that spotted the little frog first. Andy had a lot of fun hopping after the little frog. He even got a chance to touch it. After that we took Andy out to play at a playground and some ice cream. His parents went to see some of the local sights here while we had Andy. They called a bit ago to say they would be here soon to pick him up. After they picked him up Barb and I came back into the apartment and it just seemed so empty. It was very nice to keep Andy overnight. I hope we get to do this more.

I miss him!
ooohhh grandbabies!!! my favorite thing, even better than cruise ships!
smiles, bee
Wow, Mike those are some great photos! That Andy is TOO cute! :)
Glad you guys had such a great visit. Hope you have a good week.
Great pics - especially the one of the grandson looking at the frog. Don't you just love a small child's curiosity over animals though?
Kids, do make everything better don't they. Frogs are more fun, being outside is more fun, everything is more fun. C&F
Nothing better than checkin out a frog with Grandma and Grandpa. I hope you guys keep this up. It will benefit these children more than you can imagine. My grandparents were a huge part of my life when I was growing up. They were always cuddly and would hardly ever scold me. Grandma always took us on walks to see crazy things. It was awesome. I am very proud of you and Barb.
Ahhh, I'm such a glutton when it comes to compliments on my kidses :D They ARE adorable, of course, but it's so FUN to hear other people say it!! :)
Toads and frogs are fun. I'm glad no one has tried to tell Andy otherwise yet.
What a great way to spend a weekend. He is sure a cute little guy. Did he get to keep the frog? Tee-hee...just kidding. Emily will come around as she gets a bit older and sees more of you guys. Our little Henry is a bit shy around us..he's 13 months but big brother Jordan runs us ragged and wants to be here all the time.
Have a great week.
Great pictures, you seem to have a knack for the camera. ;-)
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