1. What do you like best and least about your job and why? Probably the best part is getting to do different jobs and also getting to work with the people that are there. The least that I liked would be while I was a team leader and had to relieve people to go to the bathroom and they would take 20 minutes or longer. Mind you not everyone did this, just a few, so it really wasn't that bad.
2. What got you fascinated with trains? How old were you? I got my first train when I was about 6 or so and didn't really understand how to operate it that well. I got back into them when I was about 16 or so and started to understand more about how they worked and actually operated in real life. After I got into cars, trains took a back seat for a while as I was busy driving around and being a teenager. The train bug hit me again when I was about 35 and I started collecting
them seriously and trying to think up the perfect layout to show them. Unfortunately, I never settled on a design and to this day still don't have a layout to run the trains I have.
3. Describe your dream vacation. A huge RV and Barb, with unlimited time and money to see the U.S. and all it's wonderful sights.
4. I know you like the cartoon character Marvin The Martian. Tell one way you think you are similar to him. I guess that would be thinking up new ways to do things. He of course desires to conquer earth and I don't, but I do like coming up with new inventions to reach the goals that I have.
5. What have you learned from blogging? That there are some very nice people out there with real problems and some good advice if you need it. Also that there are people out there that even though you aren't geographically close to them, can make good friends too.
On this meme I'm not allowed to tag anyone, but if someone wants to volunteer to be interviewed, I could think up a set of 5 questions for them to answer.

But Andy said you have a track! :)
Thanks for playing along. :)
Good post -very interesting remarks to the interview.
I'm up for an interview, but I probably won't be able to finish it till the following week, since I'll be out of town...but it could give me a lot of time to think of the answers :)
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