I had posted on my first and only Manic Monday a few weeks ago and the theme was "sprung". I posted a picture about a sprung frog from a railroad track. This prompted a question from Callie Ann Brat about whether I was into model railroads as well as real ones. So, after Skittles called her tonight I got to chat a little with her and she asked me about this. So, I am re-posting a picture that I took around Christmas of all my model trains set up on our old dining room table. To be honest though, this isn't all of them seeing as I did a bit of train shopping after that. So, Callie Ann, here's a shot of my trains all set out on the table. They are HO scale by the way.

Thanks for posting the Trains they are cool. Way Cool. Hope you get to play with them one day soon. Thanks Callie
yes your trains are pretty cool maybe you should post something about them in this weeks theme for the Photo scavanger hunt....the theme is "hobby"
p.s. I haven't been able to get to Barb's blog....is there something wrong?
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