I took my camera with me but didn't take any pics myself. Why you might ask? lol. It's because I've found that I'm not that good at taking people pictures. Skittles is much better at that than I am in my opinion. So I let her take all the pics there.
After the birthday we went and visited a fellow blogger. I won't say who it is just yet as Skittles wants to use the pics she took there for a Manic Monday post. So, I'll just say that we had a very nice time meeting this fellow blogger and that it was a neat experience. Till next time BYE!!

glad y'all had so much fun! those grandchildren are wonderful, aren't they?
smiles, bee
You didn't take pics cuz you were busy with the grandbabies :)
thats so cool you went to meet a blogger! I want to know who!
Oh that sounds like so much fun with the grandkids.....and then meeting a fellow blogger....how cool is that....as for Skittles place...I have tried numerous times to get to her site...and for some reason I can't connect...has she made some changes?
smalltown....Skittles hasn't made any changes, but if you're using IE you'll have to hit the back button on your browser to get to it. It seems internet explorer doesn't like her site lol.
Glad you had a fun time, Mike. Can´t wait to see the picture of the prominent fellow blogger =)
I love b-day parties! How was the cake?
Happy birthday to Jakob!
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