When you travel, which mode of transportation do you prefer? All of our travels have been by car. We love seeing all the sights there are wherever we go.
Have you ever met a blogging friend in person? Not as of yet.
When was the last time you were really, really tired? Last night lol.
Main Course
If you could have dinner with any one fictional character from a book or movie, who would it be? Interesting question. Maybe it would be Roland Deschain from the Gunslinger book series written by Stephen King.
Fill in the blank: One day, I hope to see clearly without glasses.
Nice dessert and michael and I enjoy are travels in a car. You experience so much more that way..happy feasting
I am so with you on the traveling by car thing. I think getting there and seeing the sites is half the fun of the travel.
Great Feast, thanks for the invite...
I've never met a blogging friend before but I think it would be a nice experience.
I guess with all the time I've been spending on my computer, I might need glasses very soon.
Hey Mike! Great Feast...I hope one day you can see clearly without glasses as well! :)
Have a great weekend and Happy Easter.
I enjoyed your feast!
Easter Blessings~
♥ Annie
My Life as Annie!
Lovely feast. I enjoyed it. Come over and share mine too
Excuse me??? NEVER met a blogging friend??? Hmmm.. what am I.. chopped liver? LOL!
hey mike! sarge wore glasses for fifty years and now he sees perfectly without them. he is soooo happy!
smiles, bee
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