Saturday, April 14, 2007

Saturday Photo Hunt

This weeks theme for the photo hunt is hobby. I have quite a few hobbies so this meme was pretty easy for me to do. I chose to take a picture of a couple of engines that I have put together. They are pretty neat in that part of them are made of metal. There are plastic parts also, but the engine block and cylinder heads are metal and are screwed together. They are also much larger than a standard model kit is. I enjoyed putting them together and hope you enjoy seeing them.


Girlie said...

Putting engine together...impressive!

I don't even know what parts of my engines are named...I know there's thingy for oil, water and stuff, and then there's battery. Hey, I know where's the battery!

RobKPhD said...

Very nice hobby. They do look cool.

Andree said...

That is so neat. I went to an antique engine show last summer and was fascinated. While I know nothing about engines, I can appreciate the care and effort you have made.

Sarge Charlie said...

some people can just make anything, Miss Bee want let me have any tools.

Crazy Working Mom said...

I sure was expecting to see a train here in this post! :)

Anil P said...

It looks pretty neat. I would have liked to see a close up that distinguishes one part from another.