For this weeks Thursday Thirteen I have decided to list the 13 colors of airbrush paint I bought to try doing the grafitti on my trains with.
1 hookers green hue
2 titanium white
3 naphthol red light
4 phthalo blue
5 hansa yellow medium
6 bright orange
7 quinacridone magenta
8 ultramarine blue hue
9 permanent green light
10 dioxazine purple
11 transparent red
12 fluorescent green
13 black

What amazing colors! Some I never thought about before ...
I had a friend years ago who did some gorgeous stuff with airbrush.
I've always been impressed with that particular art technique.
Mama Kelly
look like your trins are going to look really good and colourful...
happy painting...
Lovely, do post photo when you finish with your work :)
Happy TT!
Mine is up too :)
gee, they've come a long way from "yellow"/ "Orange"/ "green" lol..
What a great list!
I love the names.
Happy TT'ing
I think you picked the "hookers green" cuz you liked the name ;)
Those all sound like pretty cool colours...now I'd like to see a train with some of those colours....hint hint
Happy Thursday Mike!
I cant wait to see what grafitti you have come up! i wonder who comes up with the names?
Those colors bring back my days of oil painting. Just the other day, I was thinking of picking it back up.
Thanks for this TT. Check mine out.
Is "Hookers" the name of the brand or named after a prostitute color? Lol!
Oh mike, do you have a rag tied on your head, necessary for grafitti, good luck
Several of these colors are new to me, like hooker green - what color of green is that? Phthalo blue is one of my favorite colors. Can't wait to see photos of the finished trains.
I like to imagine what hooker green looks like.
hooker's green? ROFLMAO!
there are some very interesting names here! :o)
happy thursday!
when you say you do grafitti on trains I assume you mean legal grafitti on your own trains not the stuff the some of the more creative vandals get up to on public transport? Sound like some wonderful colour though - you could make a rainbow with these.
Christine and FAZ
Mike, do you have to ask for those colors or are they placed somewhere? #4 and #7 sound a bit difficult =)
I´m looking forward to see the train artwork in... maybe bright orange, hansa yellow medium, a bit titanium white and mainly napthol red light =)
I´m sorry I didn´t make it on Thursday… we´ve had a car accident on the freeway – but I´m trying to catch up today as promised. Here you´ll find my TT #12 if you feel like!
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