Other than that, we are expecting some snow tomorrow. The forecast calls for up to 10 inches of snow. It's supposed to start after I get to work, so the drive in shouldn't be too bad. The good thing if any is that I don't have to worry about any particular time to be home. This makes it easy for me to just take my time and be safe. We'll see how it goes lol.
I haven't been going around doing my usual blog tours as I have just been tired. I'll try to get to them as time permits.I have been trying to get more of my albums recorded to MP3 format. I must say that it has brought back many memories of old times. It's been at least 6 years since I have been able to listen to them. Taking the old memory trip has been quite enjoyable. Till next time BYE!!

It's so annoying when people park their cart in the middle of the aisle. Remember those people at Circuit City who would not stop talking to let us pass??
10! we aren't going to get THAT much, but a lot I hear... I'm PRAYING for a snow day :-)
10 inches sounds a lot better than the 10 feet NY is getting! Now, that's snow... drive carefully :)
10 inches! Be careful.
I to dislike it when other shoppers are discurtious....burns my twizzlers....
I hate annoying people in stores too.
We've got a poop load of snow too, and its not looking like its gonna let up anytime soon.
some day monday will be like friday, retirement is cool
You hit the nail on the head about other shoppers in the stores! Went for groceries this past Sunday and it wasn't little old people going slow and blocking the aisles for me - it was families with bunches of kids and carts and slow movers all of 'em too! ARRRGH!
And - snow! We are getting hit here today with the FIRST major snowstorm to come by central PA this winter. Our area is looking at getting an accumulation of 18 to 24 inches! I'm just glad I don't have to go out and drive it in! But, my son, who is only home for 2-3 days and who just got himself a replacement vehicle yesterday afternoon after having many car problems since October, got called to come in and relieve the bartender at the local pub where he used to work part-time and had problems getting there because he got his "new" vehicle (a Chevy S10 pickup -used) stuck in the snow in his yard! LOL He's definitely NOT a happy camper right now!
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