We ended up with this style of furniture as it was all the same style and color. It was pretty hard as we were looking at furniture to get everything in one style that we liked. Plus, I get the satisfaction of putting something together and using my tools lol.
Just a note about the albums I have been recording into mp3 format. I just grabbed a box of them from storage and started on it. The box I grabbed happened to be from H thru M , but I started recording them in reverse order. Just in case you were wondering why they haven't been going in forward order lol. It was just the case of seeing the face of the album and grabbing the first one. Till next time BYE!!

You were rewarded nicely for all your hard work, too, weren't you? (Wink.)
Yes I was (wink wink)
Mike as I said to Barb...I can hardly wait to see the end result of you whole remodlling how much fun it that...the putting your music onto the MP3 what a great idea....my ex and I use to own a sun tan salon and we use to provide musice with headsets to our clients....we had tons of albums...now they are all in boxes and he put them in the attic...I think they will be warpped by now....but he should dig them out...there is some fabulous music up there....
Hey quit the winking!lol!
I am glad you where rewarded for your hard work!
She must've made him a nice dinner, huh Claire...(wink wink).
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