I think I'll pick Henry Ford for this one. He's really just one a many from the past that I'd like to meet. Part of the reason I'd like to meet him is that he surrounded himself with others who were smart. He himself was pretty smart as far as I know seeing as he came up with the idea of the moving assembly line. I just think it would be neat to be able to talk to him and find out more about him.
Till next time BYE!!

Good choice! Then maybe ask his son if you can have one of those Mustangs. :)
Ooops, I expected to see a post about some WoW-characters *grin*, but I admit Henry Ford is a fantastic choice also.
P.S.: Came here through my feedreader - I guess your linkie on Barb´s site directs to a wrong page (if it´s your entry)
Good choice Mike. I have to admit, Sanni's comment made me laugh!
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