This weeks Heads or Tails meme theme is the Letter "C".
For this I think I'll do Choo Choo lol. I know this is actually 2 words, but if any of you have read any of my blog (when I was blogging that is) you'd know I love trains. When I was a youngster, I always called trains choo choo's. Probably a great many kids do also. It's what most grownups who try to tell a child what a train is calls them so!! I haven't been doing much with my trains this season. In the past I would have been working on them either by weathering them or assembling the kits that I had gotten, but I've been busy playing a game called World of Warcraft. That doesn't start with a "C" so I won't go into it . That's about all for now. Thanks for dropping by. Till next time BYE!!

You mean ChooChoo isn't the name of a real train? 8-)
Happy HoT :-)
the little guy i babysit would agree totally with you.....
I'll raise your choo-choo and see you a chugga-chugga!
Ahahahaha - laughing at the comments you have already received - frigga, robyn, and secret agent mama are cracking me up!
So, you're a WoW addict too, eh? I've missed ya, but just want you to be happy :-)
Happy Tuesday!
I wish we still had the old steam trains. They seemed more like choo-choos than the modern diesel ones. Happy Tuesday!
Cool Choice....Choo Choo.
[Have you ever seen the huge steam engine just outside Cheyenne Wyoming?....in a park there, permanently on view?]
Come by and "C" my list.
Chugha chugha
Mt kids love the choo choo's too!
World of Warcraft has Characters. Why didn't I mention those??? Sheesh.
Choo Choo... reminds me of... my little son Luis and his train *wink*
Have fun playing World of Warcraft =)
My toddler calls them choo choo trains and we live right by one. :)
Every time I hear "choo-choo" it makes me think of Poor Hubby. He likes trains, too.
You know that WoW sucks up all spare time it comes into contact with. My granddaughter just discovered choo-choos and so we got her one for christmas. She loves it.
Happy Tuesday.
Well WoW is a Computer game...so you could have used it. ;)
What does weathering them mean? Like making them look old? That's cool, if true. It must take a lot of work, patient work.
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