This week for Skittles' Place Heads or Tails Meme the theme is Hobby or something that rhymes with Hobby. I think I'll do the easier one and tell about my hobbies. I seem to have many hobbies, just ask Skittles lol, but I'll just go into a few.
1 Model Trains- I got into this many years ago actually, when I was in my teens. I got a train set for Christmas and added some cars to it and put it on a 4x8 sheet of plywood. I kinda grew out of it when I got a bit older and didn't get back into it until I was about 35 or so. Since then my collection has grown quite a bit. I still don't have a layout to run them on but hopefully someday I will. Oh, I now have about 150 engines and cars. They are in HO scale.
2 R/C cars. I bought an electric one about 25 years ago and ran it around for awhile. It got put away also as new hobbies and such got into. I still have this one and have added a gas powered one. I found the gas powered one more fun and didn't have to change batteries on it, just add fuel when it runs out. Both are 1/10 scale so they are decent sized.

These are my trains layed out on our old dining room table. This isn't even all of them really, some I had new in the box that I didn't put on the table and have since added to them also.

Take it from me ya'll.. this man's hobbies fill up a whole closet here at home and half a storage unit elsewhere. LOL :)
Fun stuff! Totally "guy" ;-)
That is a lot of trains. My son would love to come over to your house!
you and my husband share many of the same hobbies!! LOVE the trains!!
Boys and toys go together! Cool trains. Where did you grow up in MI. I lived in Bloomfield Hills many decades ago.
When I finally had a boy I thought it would be great: he would have trains and we could play trains. But oh no! So his father and I played trains with grownup friends. The grownups have the best trains! Now there are no trains except this restaurant in Montpelier has one running around near the ceiling and I love to go there!
Very cool hobbies. I couldn't help but think of Bobby on the Sopranos...did ya'll watch that? He wore the train engineer hat while he worked on his model trains....anyway, I think I'd like to learn more about the car stuff you're doing. Great post.
cool man, the model trains look very good.
very trivial question, but still how do you clean them, I have always issues keeping my collectibles dust free :)
You have an award over at my place! :)
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