Barb over at Skittle's Place has started a new Tuesday Meme thing called Heads or Tails. This is the first week of this new meme and for this she has chosen the theme "Beginning(s)".
For this meme I think I shall write about a new beginning that actually started when Barb and I got married in October of 2005. It happened sort of quickly in a way even though we had been engaged for 5 years lol. The beginning that I am going to write about has to do with a storage locker that we had to rent to put our extra things that we didn't have room for in our apartment. We at first had a small 8X10 size one that fit our needs at the time, but, I had quite a few tools and such stored at my mothers house that I lived in when I got divorced. When my mother had to have hip replacement surgery last year it was decided that she would move in with my sister and her husband. Well, this meant that she would be selling her house and I would have to find another place to put all my tools. The place that we had our storage locker at didn't have a big enough locker to hold all our stuff in one location so we ended up renting another one closer to our apartment.
When I actually moved all my stuff into the new storage locker, many things were just boxed up and thrown in there in the neatest fashion that I knew how. I did erect a couple of nice shelves for my tools but there was just too much to put in there in the allotted time for me to do it neatly.
Now on to the beginnings part of the story. lol. It was just about 2 weeks ago during my annual shutdown time at the plant where I work that Skittles and I tackled the chore of cleaning and organizing this storage locker to resemble an organized area. I had had several boxes of papers and such that needed to be gone through to see what needed to be saved and others that needed to be shredded. Other items that were just thrown into boxes were somewhat neatly arranged in like categories for storage so we knew where things were. This epoch adventure has netted us some valuable open space and has made getting to things like christmas items and our camping gear much easier. It had been a long time coming and had been forgotten about for too long. But, I am happy with the way it turned out and now we don't have to worry about it till we move into our own home someday.

what a great post! So you are Skittle hubby--glad to meet you!!
The little one was fine until you brought all your stuff! LOL ♥
Nice to meet you Mr. Skittles! You two have a wonderful story - and I wish you the most wonderful, happy, and long lifetime together!
I asked Ms Skit too...FIVE YEARS?
Clean 'em up or ship it out.
LOL. I am quick to say but slow to follow
Hello, Mike - never been here before, but I guess this meme is a great place to begin...
We are organizing now, just took 22 lbs of papers to be shredded, have another pound and counting. Organizing what we didn't get to sure makes little irritants go away. Loved your story. 5 years? I'm much too impatient for that.
That's a great story...and perfect for new beginning...more storage is always a great beginning...think of all the extra space you will have for your trains.....cheers....mine is up...
I have a storage room in my house that needs organized. Any chance you can come by and do it? lol
Sounds like your beginning was a slightly delayed version of spring cleaning. It's really amazing how much "stuff" we can all accumulate isn't it? And, how nice it is when we finally get around to getting it all sorted out, organized, and such. Makes for a great "new beginning" for sure.
It's so satisfying when you achieve something like this. I actually organised the closet under the stairs last Saturday (which was a complete jumble of stuff from bread ovens to baseball bats). Hubby didn't even notice but I'm happy. Christine
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