Well, I found out about what was going on while I was at work. A friend was listening to a radio with earphones and he told some of us that was working near him that at first a plane had hit the World Trade Center in New York. He said at first that it wasn't known whether it was a big of small plane as the station he was listening to didn't have too many details as yet. As time for our break came, we got to see what was happening on our TV's that were located in our break room. The pictures on the television didn't seem real. We found out that it had been 2 large airliners that had crashed into the towers. If I remember right, management called us back into the break room shortly after to let us watch more of the coverage and that's when we saw the collapse of the first tower. I think most of us sat there in shock as we watched. Soon after that, we were told we could go home as I don't think management figured many people were in the mood to get much done after seeing what had happened.
After I got home I called Barb (Skittles) to let her know I was ok. I also remember it being eerily quiet as there wasn't any airplanes in the sky. I also got in my car and headed over to Barbs as I thought it was a good idea to be with each other in a time like this.
Well, that's what I remember from that fateful day. I hope I never have to see anything like this again.

I was never so happy to hear your voice as I was that day.
I hope nothing like this ever happens again either. Thanks for your retelling :) Glad you were okay too.
I hope so, too.
When Sam worked in Wixom management didn't let them watch it on tv.
Sam said they finally let them go home early because people were complaining and said they'd walk out.
I, along with you, hope and pray that we never have a day like that again!
Interesting to read yours after reading Skittles'.
As for this never hapenning again - our borders remain wide open (I live here and see it). Hope is not enough. However, I do share your hope and I think its important for Americans to express this hope.
The lack of planes in the sky for that time was surreal. It was comforting, to me, that they were grounded. There was peace in the sky then.
Interesting you mentioned the lack of planes in the sky, I had forgotten and I now remember how much that one thing, grounded all the planes, the sheer numbers of planes they had to ground, brought home how many more lives could have been lost had the terrorists had more manpower.
I live in Canada and I remember all the planes that were diverted to here. It was the lest we could do. Let us all pray that day like 9/11 never happens again.
we all wish, we never get to see those days again
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