Sunday, October 2, 2011
Starting now! I have turned on moderation due to the stupid items sent to my email from the comments section on my blog. No disrespect intended for actual people that visit here, but I'm tired of getting dumb email comment notifications to make my penis larger or ones that appear in martian type language. So, with that said, if any "real" people visit here and have a comment, go for it. All you other lazy aholes...stay away!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
It's been quite a long time since I last posted anything here. I just haven't felt like posting. I have done a few projects since my last post though. For one thing I now live in a house instead of an apartment. But, more to the point of this post. I thought I'd show off a couple things that I have done. First is a helicopter model that I got last Christmas and finally got done sometime in June or July, the second is a motorcycle kit that I got several years ago when the hobby shop that I had been using went out of business. They aren't museum quality as my skills just aren't what they used to be. But I did have fun putting them together and also enjoy displaying them with the rest of the models I have put together over the years. Till next time, BYE!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010
Photo Meme
I'm a bit late in posting this but here go's.
This is a photo meme that I was tagged to do by Barb at Skittles Place.

This is the 8th photo from the 8th folder in my pictures directory. This photo was taken in the spring/summer of 2009. It was used in a Craigslist ad for some camping gear that we had but didn't use anymore. Yes, it did sell, and the people that bought it were going to use it that next weekend on a camping trip. So there you have it, my photo meme completed. I was supposed to tag 8 other people to do this, but since I haven't blogged for quite awhile, I won't do that. Till next time BYE!!
This is a photo meme that I was tagged to do by Barb at Skittles Place.

This is the 8th photo from the 8th folder in my pictures directory. This photo was taken in the spring/summer of 2009. It was used in a Craigslist ad for some camping gear that we had but didn't use anymore. Yes, it did sell, and the people that bought it were going to use it that next weekend on a camping trip. So there you have it, my photo meme completed. I was supposed to tag 8 other people to do this, but since I haven't blogged for quite awhile, I won't do that. Till next time BYE!!

Monday, December 7, 2009
Heads or Tails
This weeks theme for the Heads or Tails meme is "One". For this I'll post some pics of the "One" project I've been working on since before Thanksgiving. I'm surprised that it has taken this long, but with working 10 or 11 hour days, I just didn't have the energy or was waiting for certain parts of this project to get done before I could begin the next step to completing it. This "One" project is something that I got last Christmas and just hadn't gotten it put together till now. It is an 06' Mustang. I think it turned out pretty good. So, here are a few pics of my "One" project.

That's it for this post. Oh, to the folks that took the time to visit my last Heads or Tails post and I didn't pay your blog a visit, I apologize, I was just plain tired after going back to work for a full week after being off for 3 weeks. I'll try harder to visit those who visit me this week. Till next time BYE!!!

That's it for this post. Oh, to the folks that took the time to visit my last Heads or Tails post and I didn't pay your blog a visit, I apologize, I was just plain tired after going back to work for a full week after being off for 3 weeks. I'll try harder to visit those who visit me this week. Till next time BYE!!!

Monday, November 30, 2009
Head or Tails
The theme for this weeks Heads or Tails meme is "Proud". For this I will post a picture. It's a picture that was made possible by the purchase of our home a few months ago. When we lived in the apartment, I didn't really have room to show off the things (hobbies) that I enjoy doing. Now that we have a home I do. The home has 3 bedrooms, 1 in which we sleep, the other 2 are used for our computer/hobby. Mrs Skittles and I each have our own room now to do things we like to do without interfering with the others activities. She doesn't even get after me to clean it up lol. Partly because I still have a lot of tools in my room while I fix things around the house. I also have a few storage bin/containers and a work table that we got from a flea market a few months ago that I use for my projects/hobby. So, to make this post relevant, I will post a picture of the bookcase that I have filled with model cars that I built and collected over the years. I am proud of these in that I built them myself. Not the ones I bought all put-together that is, but the ones I put together from kits. As a matter of fact I am working on one as we speak. I seem to have slowed down these days as it is taking longer than expected to get it done. I'll post a pic of it when I get it finished. OH, just to let you know, the cars on the top shelf of the bookcase are the ones that I bought that were put together already, the others were kits. The models I have put together may not be museum quality, but I am proud of them nonetheless. So here goes it. Till next time BYE!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009
Heads or Tails
It's been a long time since I last posted. I kind of got out of blogging for some reason. I still had things to say but didn't post any of it. So, maybe I'll try it again and see how it goes.
Skittles and I took a little trip this past weekend. I've been laid off from work for 2 weeks now with another one to go. I don't particularly like not working, but with the economy the way it is I guess I should be glad it hasn't been worse for me than it has been. In any case I'll take the 3 weeks off.
With being laid off and all we decided that our trip would be somewhat shorter (closer to home). So after some planning we decided to head to Pennsylvania. It's a beautiful state to begin with, with mountains and such to look at and also some pretty interesting sites to see. We decided also that since we were going there to visit Jeni from the Down River Drivel blog. Skittles has been talking to her on the phone and we figured since it really wasn't out of our way we would get to meet her.
The first order of our trip planning was a base of operations so to speak. We decided that Altoona Pa would do. It's kinda in the middle of the state and would give us easy access to all the places we wanted to see.
The first place we decided to see was the crash site of Flight 93 from the 9/11 series of terrorist attacks that happened. This site is in the middle of a big field in farm country. It's not really that far from the PA turnpike, but it was the most southern place we were going to see, so we started there and worked our way northward to other places on our list.
It's a bit sobering to visit such places. To know that people gave their lives to protect others from being harmed. A selfless act to be sure. It's nice to know that people haven't forgotten those brave souls. Many people still visit this site and with good reason too. It isn't everyday that things like this happen.
After we got done seeing this site, we decided to make a little detour and see something that we saw a sign for on the road to the Flight 93 site. It was a covered bridge. It isn't something you see everyday and both Skittles and I like to see these reminders of a bygone era. It had been refurbished with new foundations to sit on but otherwise looked pretty original. It was originally built in 1881.
Our next stop was the site of the Johnstown flood of 1889. The dam that burst and caused this horrific tragedy was actually 14 miles upstream from the town of Johnstown. There is still the remaining sidewalls of the dam that are visible. Any structures that were there are gone, and there is a railroad line running along the base of what was a lake, but you can get a sense of how big this lake was by seeing the area around it. As I have read, this lake was about 2 mile long and about a mile across and 60 ft deep at the dam. This should give you an idea about how much water headed downstream. It destroyed several other smaller communities on it's way to Johnstown also.
This pretty much concluded our first day of sightseeing as we were a bit tired and needed to get something to eat, so off to our base of operations it was(Motel6 makes for a cheap base of operations for us lol)
Our last day there we stopped by the famous Horseshoe curve near Altoona. It's really a railroad fans thing to see. As the name implies, it's shaped like a horseshoe and is a neat engineering feat for a railroad to accomplish. It curves around a mountain and to see it upclose you would have to take either the new tram that was installed or walk up 197 steps to the viewing area. As you see it from the parking area, the viewing area looks to be about halfway up the mountainside that it's on. Well worth it if you're a railroad buff. Unfortunately, it was closed for the season and we weren't able to get up to the viewing area. But I did take a few pics to give you and idea what it's like. We then stopped by the railroad museum in Altoona. We also got to see much of the huge railyard and work facilities that was once owned by the Pennsylvania Railroad. It's amazing to think that at one time this facility and a few others nearby hired over 15,000 people to repair and build rail cars and locomotives.
Then it was time to head home, but not before a stop to meet a friend. Skittles had phoned and talked to Jeni before so we had her address. I have to tell you, having a GPS unit in your car as you travel can be a good thing. You can find just about anything with these little gadgets. Actually it wasn't hard to find Jeni's house anyway. So we stopped and visited for a nice talk and some coffee. We also got to meet her daughter and grandchildren. We also got to see the new kittens and her dog Sammy.
The trip home was pretty uneventful which is good. We stopped a few times to stretch our legs and get a bite to eat. We were home by about 11:30 pm and concluded another trip. Till next time BYE!!

Field where Flight 93 crashed

Looking at what's left of one side of the Johnstown dam

Where Lake Conamaugh "was"

Looking from the other side of dam, we were on the top of the actual dam

Looking at Horseshoe curve from the parking area
Skittles and I took a little trip this past weekend. I've been laid off from work for 2 weeks now with another one to go. I don't particularly like not working, but with the economy the way it is I guess I should be glad it hasn't been worse for me than it has been. In any case I'll take the 3 weeks off.
With being laid off and all we decided that our trip would be somewhat shorter (closer to home). So after some planning we decided to head to Pennsylvania. It's a beautiful state to begin with, with mountains and such to look at and also some pretty interesting sites to see. We decided also that since we were going there to visit Jeni from the Down River Drivel blog. Skittles has been talking to her on the phone and we figured since it really wasn't out of our way we would get to meet her.
The first order of our trip planning was a base of operations so to speak. We decided that Altoona Pa would do. It's kinda in the middle of the state and would give us easy access to all the places we wanted to see.
The first place we decided to see was the crash site of Flight 93 from the 9/11 series of terrorist attacks that happened. This site is in the middle of a big field in farm country. It's not really that far from the PA turnpike, but it was the most southern place we were going to see, so we started there and worked our way northward to other places on our list.
It's a bit sobering to visit such places. To know that people gave their lives to protect others from being harmed. A selfless act to be sure. It's nice to know that people haven't forgotten those brave souls. Many people still visit this site and with good reason too. It isn't everyday that things like this happen.
After we got done seeing this site, we decided to make a little detour and see something that we saw a sign for on the road to the Flight 93 site. It was a covered bridge. It isn't something you see everyday and both Skittles and I like to see these reminders of a bygone era. It had been refurbished with new foundations to sit on but otherwise looked pretty original. It was originally built in 1881.
Our next stop was the site of the Johnstown flood of 1889. The dam that burst and caused this horrific tragedy was actually 14 miles upstream from the town of Johnstown. There is still the remaining sidewalls of the dam that are visible. Any structures that were there are gone, and there is a railroad line running along the base of what was a lake, but you can get a sense of how big this lake was by seeing the area around it. As I have read, this lake was about 2 mile long and about a mile across and 60 ft deep at the dam. This should give you an idea about how much water headed downstream. It destroyed several other smaller communities on it's way to Johnstown also.
This pretty much concluded our first day of sightseeing as we were a bit tired and needed to get something to eat, so off to our base of operations it was(Motel6 makes for a cheap base of operations for us lol)
Our last day there we stopped by the famous Horseshoe curve near Altoona. It's really a railroad fans thing to see. As the name implies, it's shaped like a horseshoe and is a neat engineering feat for a railroad to accomplish. It curves around a mountain and to see it upclose you would have to take either the new tram that was installed or walk up 197 steps to the viewing area. As you see it from the parking area, the viewing area looks to be about halfway up the mountainside that it's on. Well worth it if you're a railroad buff. Unfortunately, it was closed for the season and we weren't able to get up to the viewing area. But I did take a few pics to give you and idea what it's like. We then stopped by the railroad museum in Altoona. We also got to see much of the huge railyard and work facilities that was once owned by the Pennsylvania Railroad. It's amazing to think that at one time this facility and a few others nearby hired over 15,000 people to repair and build rail cars and locomotives.
Then it was time to head home, but not before a stop to meet a friend. Skittles had phoned and talked to Jeni before so we had her address. I have to tell you, having a GPS unit in your car as you travel can be a good thing. You can find just about anything with these little gadgets. Actually it wasn't hard to find Jeni's house anyway. So we stopped and visited for a nice talk and some coffee. We also got to meet her daughter and grandchildren. We also got to see the new kittens and her dog Sammy.
The trip home was pretty uneventful which is good. We stopped a few times to stretch our legs and get a bite to eat. We were home by about 11:30 pm and concluded another trip. Till next time BYE!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
On our most recent vacation, Barb and I decided that since we were going to go into Oklahoma and see some sights, we were going to be close enough to Texas to just dip into the state to add it to the number of states that I have visited. This little foray into Oklahoma and Texas brings the number of states that I have been in to 40, 41 if you count Washington DC. Whoohooo! Maybe I'll get up the gumption to post a few pics from our last vacation too. We went to Shiloh National Battlefield in Tennessee and the Winding Steps scenic road through some mountains in Oklahoma. We also visited a blogger friend of Barbs in Missouri. A long trip but that's how Barb and I do our vacations. Till nest time BYE!!

Monday, April 13, 2009
Heads or Tails

Guess what, I'm participating in a "heads or tails" post! It's the first post I've made in quite a while. This week's theme is "reason". So I'm posting a picture of my puppy Hannah for it. The "reason" I'm posting this picture is because we(Barb and I) had our puppy Hannah out for a little sun and fun and I took some photos of her as she was playing. We even let her wade in the small pond we have in back of our apartment. I liked this picture so much that I use it for my wallpaper. One of the "reasons" I liked this picture so much is that my puppy looks so neat in this pose.
She is now 16 weeks old now and we've had her since she was 6 weeks old.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Barb over at Skittles Place had me try this neat little personality test. It was pretty easy and I'm a bit surprised at the answer. Go try it if you want :)
Your distinct personality, The Doctor might be found in most of the thriving kingdoms of the time. Your emotions and feelings are reality based. You are not misled with half formed ideas nor are you given to radical or high risk experimentation. You follow the tried and true and do not waste time thinking about things that cannot be seen, touched, heard, felt or smelled. On the positive side, you can become an exceptional expert in your particular area of the helping professions. You can deliver and maintain consistent and beneficial service to others. You do not lose sight of the reality of the situation and can usually control your own emotions. On the negative side, your emotions may want to be sensually satisfied which might lead to too much food, drink or other sensual pleasures. Interestingly, your preference is just as applicable in today's corporate kingdoms.
Your distinct personality, The Doctor might be found in most of the thriving kingdoms of the time. Your emotions and feelings are reality based. You are not misled with half formed ideas nor are you given to radical or high risk experimentation. You follow the tried and true and do not waste time thinking about things that cannot be seen, touched, heard, felt or smelled. On the positive side, you can become an exceptional expert in your particular area of the helping professions. You can deliver and maintain consistent and beneficial service to others. You do not lose sight of the reality of the situation and can usually control your own emotions. On the negative side, your emotions may want to be sensually satisfied which might lead to too much food, drink or other sensual pleasures. Interestingly, your preference is just as applicable in today's corporate kingdoms.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Heads or Tails

This weeks "Heads or Tails" meme theme is "Peace or Piece". For this week I think I'll chose the former, Peace.
I'll start by telling you about part of the trip Skittles and I took a few weeks ago. We went to see the Rocky Mountains. What a beautiful sight they were indeed. There were several places that were so "peace"ful that we were just awestruck by it. The one that really comes to mind though was on the road that takes you to see the Royal Gorge. On this road which twists and turns up the mountains to get to the gorge there were several places where you could pull your car over and have a picnic. These places had picnic benches and beautiful scenery. We stopped at one to have lunch before going on to the gorge. When we got out of the car we beheld some very pretty scenes. You could look out from our vantage point and see many mountains surrounding the area. The other thing that struck us was the quietness there. There wasn't any sound other than the wind or the very seldom passing car. It was just so "peace"ful there that it made you want to stay forever.
That's my post for this week. I wish you could all have been there (not at the same time mind you lol) so you could enjoy it for yourselves. Till next time BYE!!

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