The first thing that came to mind as I had just written another post about where I work, is the "stacks" that protrude from the paint shop at my plant. They aren't smoke stacks that you normally see in a factory, rather they are designed to clear our paint shop of unused byproducts. while it may be true that some of the byproducts are incinerated before being sent out the stacks, you never see smoke coming from them.

There are many stacks coming out of our paint shop. Plus we have several very large ones at the end of our building that are used to clean up any solids or harmful vapors that may escape the usual treatment process.
So that's what I thought of when I did this meme. Till next time BYE!!

Yep, yep, yep! I know what to look for now!
that is really interesting. Happy Tuesday!
In my town there is a pulp/paper factory and an oil refinery. The smoke and smell coming out of their stacks is terrible.
Smokestacks! There ya go. Your trains make me want to sing The Pufferbelly song that I used to sing to my toddlers. :)
what a great post for stack! Have a great Tuesday.
...like in Conspiracy Theory ;-)
Oh, and you have one of the coolest jobs ever!! :P
Interesting. I hadn't thought of that. I guess you have to be in it to make the connection. Or maybe it's the language - I'm Swedish so English is not my mother-tongue :-)
My stack is making me to a couch potato... *giggles*
Interesting, I learned something new!
Now, I'll be looking to see if I can pick them out on buildings now!
Interesting post. When I was a kid, I often used to see industrial stacks dotted around the area. Most have now been demolished.
Cool! :)
Very interesting! I grew up in a town with tons of chemical plants, and my dad used to teach us about them. I like that kind of stuff!
HA! Guess what... I didn´t even think of this. No wonder =)
But I promise to have a look next time I´m in an auto factory (whicj will be tomorrow)!
Thanks for this interesting post, Mike!
Very good take on the theme, Mr Mike. I learned a lot. Thank you!
That's really interesting! It's' a shame there isn't a car manuacturing plant within a thousand miles here!
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