Skittles and I decided last Saturday to go on a trip. We decided that we would go look and see if I could see a moose. So, Skittles googled best place to see moose and she got a location in New Hampshire that sounded good. So we packed the car and headed out. We got into Vermont early on Sunday and it looked as though we would have a perfect time. That is until that afternoon when it started raining lol. We still saw some neat things on our trip. No moose, but some neat things. We ended up traveling through the White Mountains National Park in New Hampshire. We also headed on into Maine. I hadn't been to Maine before so this just made our trip that much more special. We ended up in Portland Maine and saw the ocean and fishing boats that dock there. We did look around some more areas there for moose but were unsuccessful in that lol. On our way back we went through New Hampshire again and took a different route. We came upon a small town there called Conway. It is a very neat little town with some nice shops and also a tourist train that offers excursions. We were a bit late for the train that day so I settled for pictures of it. We then headed on down the road and stopped at a model train museum and hobby shop. The neat thing about the museum is that it isn't only a museum for model trains, but also for model cars, boats, planes and other items. It brought back some memories seeing some of the items on display. After we got done visiting the museum, we went to the hobby shop and I spent the rest of my fathers day gift money I had left. I bought a new engine and a 3 pack of center beam flat cars. I had been looking for this type of car for some time now and couldn't find any in stores near here. After that we headed on down the road again and happened upon a neat waterfall beside the road. As it happened, Skittles was in a hurry to get a picture of it and tripped and sprained her ankle pretty bad. At the time we weren't sure it was just sprained, so a trip to the hospital was in order. Luckily there was one not too far away and they took good care of her. After x-rays it was determined that it was a sprain, so Skittles got wrapped and got crutches. We pretty much figured it wouldn't work for us to go anywhere else that included much walking so we headed home. On the way home though, we got close to Niagara Falls and decided to go see if we could get a good look at them without having to walk too much. As it happened there was a good spot on one of the island's there that affords a good view without walking that far. After that, it was homeward bound for us. All in all, it was a good trip and we got to see some beautiful countryside and some neat little towns along the way. I've included some pictures from our trip for your viewing. Till next time BYE!!

1 comment:
It was a good trip :) (Pardon the pun...)
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