What does the color pink make you think of? Girly things lol
Name something you thought you had lost, but later found. I can't think of anything at the moment that fits that description
In 3 words, describe this past week. Pretty Darned Good
Main Course
What are you obsessed with? I guess I'd have to say Trains
What kind of perfume or cologne do you like to wear? Aqua Velva (Skittles likes it)
Awwwwwwwwwwww, just like the commercial huh Mike? Skittles is saying "There's something about an AQUA VELVA man"!
My feast is served
Glad you had a great week. Hope you'll have another good one coming up.
My 3-yr old son loves trains too.
Great Feast! Yes, I love my Aqua Velva man :)
You know, I'm reading through all the Friday Feast posts, and you're the first to say something that positive about their week!
Rob of UnSpace
Heh heh @ "girly things".
Hey Mike,
Glad you are back. I've been gone a lot too. Life keeps one very busy sometimes. My old boy just bought new "red wing" work boots...expensive...near $200.00 but he smiles when they are still new and comfy so one can't complain. I'd never make it on my feet all day.
Wow! New furniture too. It's great to enjoy a new look and treat yourself too. Bet Skittles loves it. You too. Glad things are going good for you. Nice to hear some positive things. (smile)
Oh...I forgot. I agree with Skittle's Aqua Velva is nice. I like Old Spice and Avon's Wild Country too.
Just a tad will do. lol
hey I get my husband aqua velva - go Barb! :)
Hey Mike....wassup....like your answers....my guy were aqua velva as well...you know i don't think I have ever told you how much I like the train crossing sign you have on your sidebar...it is really cool.
Hope you had a great day!
-Pepto Bismol
-My first pre-engagement ring
-short short short (took off early from work every mon-thurs and called in sick friday)
-downloading tv programs
-Aqua Velva too (and I'm a chick go figure)
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