Mind you it isn't a law as of yet, but, just think about it for a second. Isn't it like the government saying that every driver has been convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol? Not to mention the cost of such devices. I don't know how much one would cost but I heard on the program that I was listening to that the ones they install on peoples cars that have been convicted of such offenses cost 75$ per month to rent. So you can just imagine how much that would add to a new cars price tag. And how much an individual would have to spend just to sell his own car.
The point I disagree with in this strategy is that not everyone drinks and drives and not everyone should have to go through this just to go to the grocery store. Oh yeah, one thing I should mention is that these devices require you to breath into it to test your level of intoxication about every half hour. This means that if you are taking your family on a nice little road trip to see Aunt Martha who is about 2 hours away, the driver will have to breath into this thing about 4 more times. What a joy huh?
The other thing that I disagree with is that this legislator wants the level of intoxication to be able to start your vehicle to be set to about 1/4 the legal limit that is considered intoxicated in that state. So maybe you used Listerine that morning and the amount of alcohol in that might be enough for the car not to start. Or maybe you took some cold medicine that has alcohol in it and that might be enough to make it impossible to start your car.
All in all, I just don't agree with sticking every one who drives a car with this burden of proof that you aren't intoxicated. It's another right or privilege that this legislator is trying to dissolve into thin air. Plus, if this happens to pass and become a law, what will be next? It's just something I have been made aware of and have thought about. Till next time BYE!!