1 Ohio
2 Pennsylvania
3 New York
4 Vermont
5 New Hampshire
6 Virginia
7 West Virginia
8 Kentucky
9 Tennessee
10 North Carolina
11 South Carolina
12 Georgia
13 Florida
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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Hey.. Me too!!! Happy TT!
good list idea, I always have a hard time coming up with a TT idea! I don't see California on your list. you've gotta visit, our weather is great.
happy TT!
Jenny in Ca
mine is up, come see!
jennifer, we(skittles and I) have visited a total of 32 states together, the furthest west so far is Wyoming.
From your list I think I've only been to Virginia, Tennessee and Georgia. I would love to visit New York, New Hamsphire and Vermont also!
A great idea for a list!! Have a great Thursday!
Welcome to Thursday Thirteen! :)
From your list, I've been to #2, 3, and 13.
Have a good day. :)
Caylynn & Dragonheart
Surprisingly, I've only been to #1, #3, #11, and #13. A surprise as I love to travel. Which ones were your faves of the others? I need to plan another trip ;)
Welcome to the TT! The only one I haven't been to on your list is South Carolina. I don't know how that happened.
Congrats on your first T13! Looks like we've been to a lot of the same states. ;)
I've posted my Thursday Thirteen, too. Enjoy!
Thats a good list.. I have lived in Tn and FL!
I've lived in three of them (NY, NC and FL). But I'm trying to figure out how you managed to visit VT, NH and NY and not bump into Mass somewhere along the line!
My travels have been limited to mostly the southeast region and a little of the midwest - we'll expand our travels a little next year when we move up north!!
thanks for visiting my TT :)
Never been to 1, 8, or 9
Hey Happy 1st TT
That's a good list and welcome to the 13! I'm back after a long hiatus.
I'm not sure I've been to 13 states..probably have, just need to count.
My 13 are up.
You've never been to Indiana?
Not that you're missing much... but I'm just surprised.
Welcome to T13!
From your list I've only been to N. Carolina.
I would love to go visit some of the New England States.
Have a great Thursday!
Happy TT Mike!! Glad you joined us...it's so fun!
Do you love to travel?
I've been to 6 of your 13 listed. New York was my favorite.
I've been all over most of Europe, but have only travelled through the eastern States, pretty much your list. Great TT!
I may have to steal your list idea someday (but never your photos), but since I'm only on TT#2 I can wait for a few more months before I run out of ideas.
Hi to skittles.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
An excellent list! Welcome to Thursday Thirteening.
I've been to all those states except Vermont and New Hampshire--and I need to go there!!
i've been to 6 of the 13 you've listed. you need to get out West, young man! :o)
32 states? That's a lot of states. I want to visit more states, especially out west. I've visited the west coast but not a lot in between there and the Mississippi river.
Good list.
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