Friday, November 17, 2006

A Small Rant

After we got married, we moved to a small town. It isn't that I don't like the town, but it just isn't convenient at times. Take for instance electronics, we have a Wal-Marts, and a Staples. We don't have any "big box" stores though. If these 2 stores don't have what we want, it's a 20 mile or more drive to get to a store that does. Which leads me to my little rant. Don't worry, it's just a little one. There are NO, repeat NO, hobby shops in this town. We have a craft store, but it aint no hobby shop by a long shot. I can get paint and glue and some plastic model cars there, but as far as train supplies, forget it. The nearest hobby shop is once again, a 20 mile or more drive. The reason I bring this up? I am building a train car and need a specific color to touch up the spots where I cut them off the sprue. It's a reddish brown and is a railroad color. So, to keep from having to wait and make a 20 mile or more trip, I have to custom mix the color from the paints I have available. I have come up with a color that is pretty close, so I am happy with it. It's just that it sucks being so far away from the conveniences I was accustomed to. Oh well, I guess on the other hand, I get to see how creative I can get. Till next time BYE!!


Barb said...

Yeah.. let's move back to the other side of the state :)

Crazy Working Mom said...

We have the same problem. We have a Staples & Wal-mart. We did get a Lowes a couple of years ago, though so we've moved on up! Heh heh

John Holland said...

I can understand. I collect comic books and the nearest store is about a thirty minute drive. Which is better than it used to be, the closest good store was across the lake, about an hour's drive.

Anonymous said...

Mike, I really do enjoy the new "Self Help" features and will return many times to see what things do simmer just below the surface.

Remember, anticipation, is driving us crazy, making us wait, making us edgy, and making us Mike’s Place fans.

Jeni said...

Boy, can I EVER relate to your dilemma! Where I live, the nearest Walmart is 22 miles away and they recently re-did their crafts and sewing area and now, have very little there to choose from.

So, If I want yarn or fabric or embroidery products, that means I now have to venture either west to Dubois or east to State College or south to Altoona and it it 40 miles to Dubois, 38 to State College and 51 to Altoona!

Talk about a really sucko dilemma, huh? All that extra mileage means more time lost and way higher gas expenses for the car too!

Mike said...

With your mentioning Altoona, I get to thinking about the famous Horseshoe Curve that's in that area. a very neat train spot.